LEGO Brick Spice Rack

lego spice rack

Crafting can clutter your house in the wink of an eye. You can decorate a whole wall with all the perler beading I’ve done in my life! Our house is pretty tiny, and I’m sure my boyfriend will get grumpy if I start filling the kitchen cabinets with yarn and felt, so I’m always on the lookout for crafts that are both geeky and useful.

SHIFT! has posted an amazing tutorial over at Instructables that certainly fits the criteria! He fabricated a spice rack that looks like a gigantic red LEGO brick. His inspiration came from an image by Dave Delisle, who has a whole website full of geeky concept art and ideas called Dave’s Geeky Ideas.

On a side note, it’s theoretically possible to make a 3.5 kilometers (or 2.2 miles) high LEGO tower before the piece at the bottom collapses. Those bricks are strong!

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