It’s-a Me, Anna

Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as when Mario says it. Oh well.

I’m just taking a few minutes to introduce myself. I’m one of the new bloggers here on, and I’ll be posting every Sunday.

I currently live in Salt Lake City, Utah with my husband and our two cats, Aerith (named after a character from Final Fantasy VII) and Rikku (after a character from Final Fantasy X).

Most of my geekiness comes from watching copious amounts of television, that usually have some sort of geek tie-in, like, The Big Bang Theory, Warehouse 13, Doctor Who, and anything made by Joss Whedon.

The way that I geekcraft is mostly by making plushies of my favorite characters from TV shows (though currently I’ve only made characters from Doctor Who, I’m working on others).

When not watching far too much television for one person to handle, I’m making YouTube videos with my friends, and playing on Photoshop.

Feel free to check out my bio and the other new blogger bios in the about page.


3 thoughts on “It’s-a Me, Anna”

  1. Hey Anna I am totally lost! Which of these things are what you have made and are you selling them? Devin has a Dr Who scarf that a friend made for him. Do you take requests?

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    have opened my eyes to some of the complexities involved. No doubt we will be frequent visitors.

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