Do or Do Not, There is No Try.

I did try, and I failed. When I see things like this, I just feel so craftily (that’s a word now) inept. Though I have attempted to try and crochet (with minimal success), my skills are far below things like this. I envy those that are talented like this.

LucyRavenScar on Etsy, has her patterns for all 12 of her Star Wars Mini Amigurumi up for sale. For those who the universe has blessed with this sort of jedi power, these are for you.

They’re adorable.
They’re squishy.
And there is one of nearly every character.

What’s not to like?

If you’re looking for just one of the patterns check out her shop and narrow down the search.

A Great Fanservice

As someone who enjoys finding small and seemingly insignificant ways to show my fangirlness, when I stumbled across the Etsy store Fanservice Nails, I may have thought I caught a glimpse of heaven.

Though my personal favorite has since been sold out, the rest of her hand-blended nail polishes do not disappoint. Taking inspiration from a few of the best tv shows, ranging from Battlestar Galatica to Torchwood to Dollhouse, Fanservice Nails is just that. A service for fans.

Avengers Assemble!

In less than a week, I’ll be one of those crazy people waiting in line for the midnight release of the much anticipated movie “The Avengers”. To get myself in the mood to enjoy this awesome movie, I decide to search through Etsy for some awesome Avengers inspired crafts.

Here are five awesome creations:

Avengers Logo Glasses
Who wouldn’t want to host a marathoning party of the pre-Avengers movies, when you had these glasses to hold your guests beverages in? They’re pretty awesome!

Avengers Buttons/Magnets
As someone who obsessed with buttons, these buttons are adorable and geeky in the best possible way.

Superhero Wristies
Nerdifacts makes adorably geeky wristies inspired by superheroes, including The Avengers. Midnight showings can be cold, these should keep you warm.

Avengers Inspired Mini Bows
These bows are adorable and still vague enough that you could wear them with other outfits.

Vintage Virtue
When I first started searching for Avengers stuff, her stuff was popping up all over the place. Once I got to her shop, I was overcome with all sorts of nerd feelings. She has bows, earrings, tie clips, necklaces, and bracelets. All the having the perfect amount of nerdiness.

A Town Called Eureka

Monday marks the first episode of the final season of a little show called Eureka. As some may or may not know, I watch an TON of SyFy. Eureka is one of my favorite shows on the channel. The fact that it’s ending has my heart breaking.

In an effort to find something to quell the ache in my heart, I turned to Etsy. I was a little saddened to see such little content on this beautiful show. That was until I came across agirlfrommars‘s shop. In my hour of need, I saw this beautiful and simple homage to my beloved show and couldn’t help but squee.

The Global Dynamic phone charm is perfect for those of us who like simple ways to show their geekiness (which from my posts, is pretty obvious I’m one of those people).  The small charm with the logo of the company where everything can go right (but usually goes wrong), keeps those of us devastated by the cancellation of this show satisfied in pretending that we were there.

Star Wars Inspired Boutonnieres

It’s about Prom time, and getting close to the busy wedding season. With that in mind, here is an awesome idea to geekify your wedding in a simple, but awesome way.

For those of us dating/marrying geeks, its hard to find a way to show our geekiness in a fun but easy way that won’t distract from the event as a whole. If you don’t want a cake in the shape of the Millennium Falcon, or to carry around a storm trooper helmet to prom, try these:

Made by Kristylynn84 on, she goes through each step individually on how to make Star Wars inspired Boutonnieres. These boutonnieres certainly wouldn’t detract from the wedding, and would definitely give you brownie points with your geeky date to the prom.

Winter is Coming

With the season 2 premiere of Game of Thrones tonight, I felt the need to find some crafts inspired by this amazing series (both books and tv show). After searching Etsy, I was automatically drawn to the bracelet made by Luna Designs 101.

The House of Stark bracelet is a very simple and understated piece of jewelry that any Game Of Thrones fan would be happy to having in their collection. The small wolf charm on the end of a cord, is enough for the wearer to know what it means and feel like they’re keeping it a secret.