Battlestar Galactica T-Shirt

Battlestar Galactica T-shirt
Beware Cylons. Craftster user Bunny in a Bear made this Battlestar Galactica logo t-shirt. He ironed on freezer paper as a stencil. This method has been making the Internet rounds for the past year or so. Freezer paper stencils are like single-use silk screens.

Transformers Toque

Transformers Toque user subloke made this Transformers toque based on Baigneuse’s version, who made hers based on Flickr user twosixteen’s chart. Subloke even made the Transformers hat reversible – one side has Autobot and Decepticon icons and the other side says “more than meets the eye.”

Transformers Toque

She was even kind enough to post the pattern and instructions to the Transformers hat so anyone with the skillz can make one too!

Needle-felted Pac-Man Characters

Needle-felted Pac-Man CharactersCan you hear the “bloop bloop bloop”? FuzzyFelties on Etsy is selling this awesome set of needle-felted Pac-Man characters (largest is 1”W x 2”H). You get Pac-Man and four ghosts (love those eyes!) for $32 plus shipping.

Needle-felting has become really popular lately. Crafters are felting everything from animals to food to accessories. With only two tools needed – special barbed needles and a big chunk of foam – this is an easy craft to get started with. Wool roving comes in every color imaginable and kits are readily available. Craftlog has a simple tutorial. A Wii Mii would probably look great in felt.