The Lorax & His Happy Trees

By now everyone must have realized that there is a Lorax movie coming to theaters soon. The date of its release escapes me because I’m probably just going to torrent it. All I’m sure of its that Danny Devito is playing the Lorax. This makes me smile because he’s not only one of the most hilarious actors out there; but I’m pretty sure he’s also the same height as the Lorax. (0:

For those who don’t know their Dr. Seuss, the Lorax is a fuzzy orange tree hugger who lechture about how it is your responsiblity to save the trees. I’ve always loved the Lorax because his fuzzy mustache makes happy. I could care less about what his message is… he’s FUZZY! Squee.

The super awesome team at Craft Gossip has posted a how to on Lorax Truffula Tree Pencils. Here is the link to all the fun: LORAX TREE PENCILS

My first post!

My name is Spyral. I’m pretty much a mad scientist of crafts (think Young Frankenstein not Human Centipede).

This is my first post on Geek Crafts. It was supposed to be posted yesterday but better late than never. I am wicked excited to be contributing to Geek Crafts! I love odd things therefore, a lot of my work is reflects that in some crazy way. Since I am weird, and slightly narcissistic,  for my first post I thought I would share some of my more abnormal creations with you all.

This is a cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros necklace. If you’re a medical geek you know that cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros means “connected at the head and thorax.” It is one of my tattoos. I like to think of them as a symbol of sisterly love. My sister and I are connected at the head and heart. Cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros is on display at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, my Mecca. If you don’t know about the Mutter Museum I believe it’s a crime against humanity not to click this link

This pattern was originally posted on the AntiCraft. While I was knitting it I got lazy and made a few changes. I also turned them into heat pads.

This is a tiny Old Gregg that I knitted for my little brother. I think it came out just awful but my brother likes it.

This is a Fetus Coin Purse. I found the pattern on The AntiCraft. I love that site! It is really creative.

I joke and call this piece my masterpiece. It was my first time knitting with multiple colors. It’s a Cephalothoracopagus monosymmetros bag.

You can find more messed up stuff on my craft blog: SPYRALEYES DESIGNS