Lego wallets

Lego wallets

These sturdy lego wallets were made by Ryan Chapman and posted on his blog and the website of his design studio, Color By Numbers. They used to be sold at local boutiques. However, the supply ran out quite a while ago. Also, they were featured in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Isn’t that awesome? I’d love to get my crafts displayed in a museum.



Are you familiar with PixelHobby? To quote their website:

PixelHobby is a new mini-mosaic craft. (…) PixelHobby designs are based upon small plastic tiles called Pixels. Pixels are available in over 300 beautiful colors. The molding process creates a soft plastic tile with a matte finish. (…) Each pixel location on a baseplate provides a small peg onto which a pixel is positioned. No adhesive is necessary to hold a pixel onto a baseplate since a snug fit occurs between the pixel and baseplate peg.

You can show your passion on 4×5 inch baseplates, but also use medaillon-sized plates. I’ve already spotted PixelHobby in my local crafts store, and in various online shops, including their own.

The PixelHobby website offers various designs. If you want something unique, get the PixelHobby Designer Lite and make your own pattern based on photos, art and other images. Or, recreate a sprite! One of my favorite websites for this purpose is Spriters Resource. And finally, nothing keeps you from going with the flow. Don’t use a design or pattern if you don’t feel like it.


Here’s a small preview of what you can do with the craft. Wacker00 is a real genious when it comes to PixelHobby and perler beading and you should definitely visit his DeviantArt!

DIY Book Cover for eReader or Tablet

Book Cover for eReader or Tablet

Have you fallen in love with new technology, but still miss the touch of hardcover in you hands every now and then? Why don’t you combine the best of both worlds? Head over to Bitsi’s Instructables and make a no-sew book cover for your eReader or tablet!

book cover inside

Just Five More Minutes…

just five more minutes

Rocío Suárez Cazorla really captures the spirit of our household with this print.

Dinner ready? Just five more minutes.
Train about to leave? Just five more minutes.
Doorbell rings, mom is visiting? Just give me five more minutes, I’m almost finished…

You get the idea.

For more gamer goods, check out her Etsy store Geek & Art.