Even those Geeks among us who have a green thumb want to have the coolest gardens possible! Jackielantern shared her latest geek inspired garden gadget over on Craftster.

A Dalek planter!

Jackielantern also gives a brief description of her thought process in creating the planter.

I now must have a matched set…or two..maybe three…


Steampunked Upcycling!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term Upcycyling, it’s when you take an item that is no longer of use like an old holey sweater or a broken wooden pallet and you craft it into something shiny and new. You can turn an old sweater into leg warmers or a cat bed. That broken pallet can be morphed into a raised planter box or even bookshelves.

Here is a Most Excellent upcycle that was found on Craftster. Mieljolie was looking for inspiration for a piece to donate to a silent auction at an upcoming Steampunk event. Look at her creation!

It’s hard to believe it but this hat is made up of strips cut from a remnant of polar fleece and the metal tabs that you find on cans of soda. The technique is called tabistry and you use the strips to weave the tabs together. She changed the color of the polar fleece to make the stripes. The beer goggles are made from 2 (now empty obviously!) beer cans, some leather bits and studs for decorative effects.

Ingenious I say!

Everyone needs a little Ewok now and then…

ewok stuffy

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched the Star Wars movies. Quoting lines from those movies comes as easy as lines from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Of all of the characters, I have to say my all time favorites are the Ewoks. They’re little, furry, adorable and resourceful.
Look at this adorable little Ewok that I found on Etsy!


In the world of Geekery, there’s embroidery, a variety of foods, poly clay, unbelievable yarn creations of every sort and the list keeps going. However, I’ve never in all of my days seen the combination of  Woodwork + Music + GEEK!

May I present the Paculele! It’s a ukelele with the body as Pac Man and the tuner is Blinky the ghost! I think I might have found the perfect Holiday gift for my ukelele playing Geek Husband!

You have got to check out celentanowoodworks’ other creations on Etsy. I think my all time favorite is the Roc Em Soc Em robot version.

Pac Man ukulele paculele by celentanowoodworks on Etsy.

For Little Geeks on the Go!

For those of us who are parents, we all deal with the same problem of how to keep our little geeklings occupied and/or quiet when needed. Yesterday while perusing Pinterest, I found the most amazing answer!


A Star Trek Quiet Book!  I am in AWE! Julie has created an amazing quiet book complete with a full set of the Next Gen characters in finger puppet form, transporter, a Vulcan salute and Geordie’s glasses.

Heck, I think I’d have to buy two of these books. One for my kids and one for ME!

Check out Julie’s etsy for even more of her geeky, creative genius!

julies blog: My Star Trek Quiet Book.