Hobbit Headwear

Hello All! I hope everyone had a great holiday, and that you’re fairly recovered from all the family and excitement by now. A large part of my holidays was seeing the Hobbit with other geeky friends, which inspires this post about headwear from the Hobbit movies!

Bofur, the optimistic toymaking dwarf, brother to Bombur and cousin to Bifur, can be recognized in Peter Jackson’s films by his distinctive hat and jovial personality. Luckily for all you Bofur fans,  Smree has posted a great crochet pattern that even has the same upturned brim and earflaps! Using a skein of brown yarn and gray yarn, along with an H and I hook, I think she captured its essence perfectly!

Bofur's Hat

Of course, one of the most memorable characters from the Hobbit films is the Elvenking of the Mirkwood elves (and Legolas’ father), Thranduil. Not only does he have impeccable cheekbones (curse you and your inhuman beauty, Lee Pace!), he carries off an incredible crown of branches and leaves that mark him as the elven ruler. Katy R. over at Deviantart has created a beautiful replica of this crown out of wire, DAS (an air-hardening clay), resin and a few coats of paint. You can see her photo tutorial here.

Thranduil's Crown

Hopefully, these projects have inspired you to go see the Hobbit movies (if you haven’t yet), and to made your own stylish hats for everyday wear!

Pattern: There and Back Again Story Scarf

Frivolite Handcrafts is at it again. This time with  a Hobbit themed double knit scarf. There and Back Again Story Scarf, knits out the tale of The Hobbit.  You read that right, Knits out the story of The Hobbit.  You should go to the project page, just so you can read the fun little  story that goes with the scarf. In the same spirit as The Hobbit, this scarf is enough to make you smile.


Again this scarf, like the day of the doctor scarf is double knitted so you see the  pattern on both sides as mirror images of each other.

Have a Merry Geeky Christmas

Well, I can hardly believe it’s December already (so many presents to finish!), but ’tis the season for Christmas trees and ornaments. Luckily for you all, I have found the perfect way to geek up your home for the holidays! These would make great gifts for fellow nerds, or keep them for yourself!

First up, for all of the Captain America fans, make sure your tree is appropriately patriotic with this lovely felt tree skirt! Crafted by the great folks over at With Our Powers Combined, they took a Dollar Store tree skirt and turned it into the Captain America shield. It’s amazing what you can do with creativity and a few yards of felt.

Captain America tree skirt

Next, for all you Potterheads out there, adorn your tree with the Golden Snitch! Made by Gabrielle from Tiny Apartment Crafts, this Snitch is made from a gold ornament, some acrylic paint, and some glittery wings crafted from wire and tissue paper. Beautiful and shiny, it’s a perfect addition to any tree!

Golden Snitch ornament
Every time a Snitch gets its wings, Gryffindor wins!

Well, no matter what day you celebrate, here’s wishing everyone a great holiday season!

Winter is Coming Knit a Scarf

I know, I know, that’s getting really old really fast. But I mean it this time. Knit a scarf that says “Winter is Coming”  Really, Captain- Rachel modified the original pattern so it can be double knit and legible on both sides.  She has charted it out so you can make yourself a nice warm scarf for this coming winter.  And send out the warning before the ice zombies show up.


I have a love of double knit scarves that are truly reversible, so this really makes me happy. I have a double knit scarf on the needles but, who can’t do with more scarves?



Miniature Lord of the Rings Bag End

Miniature Bag End from Lord of the Rings

Thanks to Pinterest, I recently stumbled across the most incredibly detailed miniature Bag End from Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. Maddie Chambers-Brindley made it for some college coursework on “the importance of play.” She drew upon her experience making Warhammer miniature scenery and models to create the Bag End model.

Interior of Bag End from Lord of the Rings

Check out the level of detail – the top of the “hill” comes off to reveal the interior, and inside there’s a fire in the fireplace, a miniature area rug, hand-tiled floors, portraits of Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins, the Baggins family tree, and a wee vegetable garden outside.

In this post Maddie talks about her creative process.

Have you ever worked with miniatures? What fantastical world would you like to take on to recreate in mini-form?

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