Agents of Shield: Alien Script Scarf


Agents of Shield, is the show that kept slowly worming its way into my heart, and now I’m glad I stuck with it. And speaking of worming its way, Coulson has been having some issues with some Alien writing for some time now. He finally has some answers, and we have a pattern for a scarf to wear.

ConcertiGrossi over on Tumblr created the  charts so you can have your own alien script without having to visit Tahiti, I hear it’s a magical place. It is a double knit scarf, which means you work both sides at the same time and end up with a mirror image of what you are working on.

Wraped Up In A Tentacle or Eight


It’s been quite cold these past few months. Who wouldn’t want something warm to wrap themselves up in? Designer Kraftling has got you covered with their Double Knit Kraken Cowl.

Who wouldn’t want that wrapped around them during the next Polar Vortex, Blizzard, -30 wind chill day?  For those that don’t know double knitting is a simple process by which you create a two sided fabric, reversible fabric as you knit. An easy process that gives you a double thick fabric in the colors of your choice.


Pattern: There and Back Again Story Scarf

Frivolite Handcrafts is at it again. This time with  a Hobbit themed double knit scarf. There and Back Again Story Scarf, knits out the tale of The Hobbit.  You read that right, Knits out the story of The Hobbit.  You should go to the project page, just so you can read the fun little  story that goes with the scarf. In the same spirit as The Hobbit, this scarf is enough to make you smile.


Again this scarf, like the day of the doctor scarf is double knitted so you see the  pattern on both sides as mirror images of each other.