Pixel Art article

Happy Mother’s Day to all you crafty moms and geeky moms and crafty geeky moms from Geek Crafts.

Pixels Go Mad - The Celebration of Pixel Art

Smash Magazine posted this article on pixel art as part of their Monday inspiration series. This cupcake painting by Ashley Anderson is my favorite example. There’s also a great list of resources at the end of the article.

Amigurumi Q-Bert with pattern

Amigurumi Q-Bert

Craftster user JenGoPop crocheted this fun little amigurumi Q-Bert and she even shares her pattern and instructions. Cool detail: she suggests putting pipe cleaners in his legs to make him poseable.

There are very few Q-Bert crafts on the Internet…if you’ve made any Q-Bert crafts, please email us!

Nerdy Baby ABC Flash Cards

Nerdy Baby ABC Flash Cards

Etsy seller electricboogaloo (anyone get the reference?) offers these beautifully illustrated yet completely geeky Nerdy Baby ABC Flash Cards.

Here’s what electricboogaloo has to say:

“Ah, nerds having nerds. So tragic. Here is an awesomely pretentious gift for nerdy parents with nerd babies. A is for Atom, B is for Binary Code, C is for Cellular Membrane… and it’s all downhill from there. Shock and horrify your friends whose babies only know lame stuff like animal names!”

The cards are 5″ x 7″ and you get a full set of twenty-six for $18.00 plus shipping.