Make Your Own Comic Book Shoes With This Awesome Tutorial!


I’ve seen quite a few tutorials on decoupaging shoes, but this one is really good.  I found it on Anomaly Geek Girl Podcasts and Blog (a site well worth investigating!).  It’ll take you step-by-step through the process, complete with pictures.  And the results are pretty awesome.  Just imagine, you could have comic book shoes for every fandom!

Want another idea for up-cycling shoes into geek-tastic awesomeness? This tutorial is all about making your own glittery Police Box shoes! Look below for more fun links, and be sure to share your incredible comic book shoe creations.

Links of Interest

Ink Grandma Would Approve Of

cross stitch tattoo

The crafting community and tattoo world collide in this brilliant woman’s unique take on ink art. Eva Krbdk is the Turkey-based tattoo artist who took her love of cross-stitch and transformed the canvas for the needlework from fabric to the human body.

Although some of you out there may not be familiar with cross-stitch, you most likely have seen these little works of embroidery before without even knowing it. This form of counted-thread embroidery’s signature look is the x-shaped patterns that the images are created with.

Krbdk’s use of the x-pattern in tattoos gives the images a captivating pixilation, for an entirely new aesthetic. You can see her innovative cross-stitch designs on her Instagram account, along with her prolific collection of equally beautiful tattoo art.

Tattoo Artist’s Incredible Disney Villains for 8-Year-Old


This entry actually comes from a non-geeky place: Yahoo! News, in an article by Makenzie Koch. 8-year-old Hope Laliberte has been wearing leg braces for the past four years, but not just any leg braces. Her first pair had skulls and crossbones on the back. Her second pair featured Batman and Spider-Man.

When it was time to get new braces, Hope didn’t even consider princesses or hearts and rainbows. She only wanted one thing — Disney villains.

Hope wanted braces that showcased Ursula, the evil sea witch from “The Little Mermaid,” and Cruella de Vil, the fashion foe of “101 Dalmatians.” But the brace clinic at Boston Children’s Hospital where Hope has her braces fitted didn’t carry such designs, only a limited sample book from which children can choose from. “They offer all different types of little girl designs, but she wasn’t having any of that,” says the mom.

So Laliberte-Lebeau turned to family friend and tattoo artist Aaron Guillemette to make Hope’s wish come true. She ordered light pink braces, and sent them to Guillemette, who owns tattoo shop Up in Flames in Fall River, to do a custom design.

The light pink braces are made of a resin and acrylic plastic, which made the process difficult when Guillemette tried to apply paint directly to the braces, according to a story published recently by The Herald News. Instead, he drew the characters on sticker paper and painted them with acrylic paint. After several drafts, he attached the papers to Hope’s braces and coated them in polyurethane to protect the art work.

Hope’s new braces now have her two favorite Disney villains on the back complete with evil eels, Dalmatian spots, and Hope’s name.

30 Days of Nerdy Hair

Lagertha nerdy hair by Liz Tailor

Ever look in the mirror and wonder, “How can I make my hair nerdier?” Liz Tailor did, so she started a series of posts called, “30 Days of Nerdy Hair.”

“One day I was reading Shape magazine (a rather non-nerdy publication) and I read about a 30 day hair challenge where the author of the article tried a new hairstyle every day for 30 days,” she writes. “And I thought to myself, ‘Liz, you are terrible at doing your own hair! You should try this.’ And of course I had to find a nerdy way to do it!! So 30 Days of Nerdy Hair was born.”

Since back in 2012, she has been taking cues from movies, tv shows, video game characters and music videos, and recreating hairstyles herself at home. Inspiration has come from such varied sources as “Tomb Raider,” “Indiana Jones,” “Saved by the Bell,” Secretary Barbie, “Game of Thrones,” “Once Upon a Time,” and “Star Trek,” just to name a few. Featured above is Lagertha from the TV show, “Vikings.”

She’s currently in the middle of a new series of posts so be sure to hop over and check it out!

Whose nerdy hair do you admire and covet? Share in the comments below!

Links of Interest:


Steampunk Dark Phoenix


Tholins posted a gallery of her Steampunk Dark Phoenix costume over on Imgur recently. She got this costume done just in time for Balticon 2015, and her boyfriend talked her into doing the masquerade.

There is a staggering amount of information that goes along with her gallery. It’s almost along the lines of a good tutorial (too much info to include here in this post), because she talks about the types of material she used for each piece.