The Owls are Not What They Seem

I love this embroidery I found on Flickr, by user knitxcore! And the photography is as wonderful as the stitching. Apparently the holidays (in the Pacific Northwest!) have put me in a strange Twin Peaksy mood. I’ve been Googling for crafts along these lines. Perhaps it’s time for a re-watching.

Anyway, the embroidery: according to Flickr, she used a transfer for the owl, wrote the text by hand, and then stitched over both. This sounds like an excellent holiday project for any Twin Peaks fans out there!

Tutorial Tuesday: TARDIS Christmas Ornament

There’s nothing more christmassy than the TARDIS (or at least, not in my house, where the Daleks wear Santa hats and the Dr Who Christmas special is the cornerstone of the day).

And with not much more than some felt and a hot glue gun you can make your own TARDIS for your tree… not included in Carrie526‘s tutorial, however, is how to make it bigger on the inside… :-)

My favorite Christmas Cards

Is it some kind of Star Wars blasphemy to depict Darth Vader as Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer or the Star Trek emblem as a Santa hat, well then these 2 Etsy card makers know no boundaries.

Maybe it’s too late to get these cards this year, but there’s always next.  Merry Christmas!

Darth Vader Reindeer by Etsy shop crabappledesign

and Star Trek Santa by Etsy shop Darkstars Creation



Freezer Paper TARDIS Hoodie

Hello Geeks!

Today I would like to show you this amazing TARDIS hoodie from Samantha_McKay on Crafster.

She ordered her brother a sonic screwdriver set for Christmas and decided that he needed something to go with it; she looked up some designs on the internet but none were quite right.

So she sketched her own design and made a stencil out of Freezer Paper and applied it to a plain hoodie (Blue of course).

Steampunk Advent Calendar

As crackling fires and bowls of eggnog begin to fill our chilly nights, I wanted to share this stunning advent calendar created by mixed-media artist Amy Rozeboom. Rozeboom got the calendar itself from a local hobby shop, and the design elements come from Alpha Stamps, where Ms. Rozeboom is a member of the design team.

Most of the gears come from Tim Holtz and the papers are part of the Graphics 45 Steampunk Debutante line (I think I drooled a little bit on my keyboard when I checked that website out, I have a thing for paper). I’m excited to try something similar for Christmas 2012.

I’m torn as to what my favorite square is. I love the numbers in 21, the paper on 10, and the gears on number 8. Of course, the entire piece works together beautifully and I always admire people who can work in mixed-media this way. If this appeals to you, be sure to check out Amy’s website and Flickr photo stream. She’s got some really breath-taking stuff up there.

What do you think, readers? Got a favorite square?