Settle in for some crocheting

Catan crochet bag by Becky Simmons

I’m not a big gamer (video or otherwise), but my son enjoys playing a variety of board and card games with his friends. One of his favorites is Settlers of Catan (or just Catan now, apparently). So my interest was piqued when I saw this crochet Catan hexagon bag by Becky Simmons.

She developed a quick hexagon motif that she stitched up in Catan colors and assembled 19 into a bag that she uses as a project bag. I like it because it’s a subtle geeky reference not everyone would recognize.

Becky also has some neat motif afghans in her Ravelry shop – I liked her Fireworks and Nebula blankets.

Are you a Settler of Catan? What other board games do you enjoy? Let us know in the comments below!

Captain Janeway Plushie

captain janeway

Supermutts of New York recently posted this plushie of Capt. Kathryn Janeway from “Star Trek: Voyager.” She was made for the “Flaptain” (Fleet Captain) of Supermutt’s husbands Star Trek Fan group. Janeway is her hero so that’s why Supermutts made her a mini Janeway.

She used a pattern for Spock and Kirk by a lovely etsy seller and then made her own adjustments.

Kathryn Janeway, played by Kate Mulgrew, is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. As the captain of the Starfleet starship USS Voyager, she was the lead character on the television series “Star Trek: Voyager,” and later a Starfleet admiral, as seen in the 2002 feature film “Star Trek: Nemesis.” Although other female captains had appeared in previous Star Trek episodes and other media, she is the only one to serve as the central character of a Star Trek TV

Make Your Own String Dolls!


I was hanging out with my best friend and her family, including two very rambunctious boys, and we were at a big toy store when my friend found this really fun looking kit for making string dolls.  But the kit was $20, and we both kinda cringed at the price and put the kit back on the shelf.

However, it got me thinking, somebody out on that world wide web has had to have posted a tutorial on how to make these super cute little guys! A quick Google search, and lo! It seems the most excellent Natalie over at Doodle Crafts has got this DIY covered!

Unlike a lot of tutorials I saw, she uses pipe cleaners and a wooden bead for the string dolls’ bodies.  Other tutorials used heavier gauge wire and bits of styrofoam (or nothing at all for the base of the head).  Natalie also uses regular old white glue to secure the string onto the base form, whereas other tutorials use super glue (or other heavier duty adhesives).  I haven’t tried making one yet, but I certainly plan to.  It seems to me it would be best to experiment with whatever materials you have on hand and see what works best for you when creating your new little string doll best friend!  I would guess that different materials would have different staying powers and durability.

Have you ever made one of these cute little guys? What materials did you use?! How did yours turn out!? Be sure to share in the comments below!

More Links of Interest

The TARDIS Trunk


The mom over at Addled Adventures blogged about the trunk she recently made over as the TARDIS. She passed a garage sale on hermy way home from work and came across a very beaten up trunk. They were actually selling the stuffed animals inside of it and you got the trunk for free. For $5, she bought the trunk and donated the stuffed animals to charity. Someone had painted the outside of the trunk bright green and then used green and pink shelf paper to line the inside.

Mom scraped and cleaned the trunk as best she could, and peeled away all of the shelf paper. Using sandpaper, a paint scraper, and buffer, she worked on the inside until it was clean enough to look slightly presentable.

After spray painting it blue, Mom laser cut the door panels. She designed the windows and door signs, then and laser cut from Rowmark Flexicolor White/Black with 3M backing. The Police Box sign was also designed by Mom and laser cut from Rowmark Flexicolor Black/White with 3M backing.

Groot Cake!

Groot cake

I almost can’t believe that this incredible sculpture of Groot is a cake!! Isn’t it amazing? It was made by the hugely talented Tattooed Bakers who have made dozens (if not hundreds) of other equally mind-blowing cakes.


  • More Guardians of the Galaxy Geek Crafts here.
  • More Marvel Geek Crafts here.
  • More Geek Cakes here.

Harry Potter Encyclopaedia Pages

These Harry Potter encyclopaedia-style pages by Picolo-kun on deviantart are absolutely stunning. I would love to have them adorning my walls, or a real wizarding encyclopaedia full of these beautiful illustrations. They really are magical!

avada kedavra






Find more Harry Potter related Geek Crafts here.