Monster Eyes Slippers

monster eyes slippers

Wow – check out these great crocheted monster eyes slippers! I love them – too bad my wife can’t make me some (she lacks the skillz).

Premier Yarns has branched out into some geek crafts for us to enjoy! They created a pattern for these awesome monster eyes slippers you see above and are giving the pattern away for FREE on their website.

And… they have offered all Geek Crafts readers a discount on any purchases made at Premier Yarns – use the code OCTG33K during the month of October to get 10% off any purchase of Dream yarns (the yarn used in the pattern).

Now, go out there and make some monster eyes slippers and show us the finished result!

Nightmare Before Christmas Costumes – Jack and Sally

Nightmare Before Christmas Costumes

These Nightmare Before Christmas costumes are so cool I let out a string of expletives when I saw them on Craftster. Suzhy made these Jack Skellington and Sally costumes for her sister and herself to wear to the Elf Fantasy Fair in The Netherlands. Definitely click through to see more photos and read all about how she made these. The only part she didn’t make herself was Jack’s gloves!

New Moon + Mario Mushroom Wrist Warmers

Knitter extraordinaire Vickie Howell has designed not one but two awesomely geeky sets of wrist warmers, and both patterns are free online! This week she published the Alice Wrist Warmers pattern over at CRAFT:, inspired by the upcoming New Moon movie… these would be perfect to complete your Twilight-inspired Halloween costume in style!

And her Mario Mushroom Wrist Warmers are a favorite from last year that are just the thing to knit up as the temperature drops. This pattern is available in kids’, women’s or men’s sizes and includes a handy (and cute) charted image for creating your mushroom.