Year of the Moon Buns

Happy Chinese New Year! In honor of the year of the rabbit I am featuring my favourite amigurumis, the Moon Buns! Moon’s Creation has so many different Moon Buns for any season or reason, and I think all good geeks should show their excitement for the Year of the Rabbit with their favorite Moon Bun. I’m certainly ready for the tumultuous year of the tiger to be done with and the tranquil year of the rabbit to take over – here’s hoping, right?

Amigurumi Angry Birds

In December GeekCrafts brought your attention to Angry Birds Plushie by Obsessively Stitching and today we bring you Amigurumi Angry Birds Pig Pattern by The Itsy Bitsy Spider amigurumi-Crochet. But it doesn’t stop there!  She has also made the Angry Birds goldfinch to go along with the pig, and she has an amigurumi pattern for the cardinal available in ravelry. I’m personally tempted to make a bunch, fill them with beans, and set up elaborate constructions with the pigs to knock down with the birds. Sounds like a great party game to me!

Octopuses everywhere!

Octopuses Everywhere!

I’ve recently been reading Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate series, a delightfully steampunk and hilarious serious of novels that feature a headstrong female protagonist.  While reading the series I’ve been struck with just how many decorative octopuses show up, especially around scientists.  In my search for an answer I stumbled upon JennyDorkJennyDork is an Etsy shop run by Jenny Lee that carries adorable amigurumis, including this fabulous little octopus.  These octopuses are so adorable that my two-year-old sister has been begging me for one since she spied it upon my computer screen and wouldn’t go to bed that night until she got to say goodnight to the octopus.

Needless to say I’ll be acquiring an octopus or two for my sister, and maybe even one for myself ,very soon.