Geek-Friendly Air Plants

Air plant in beakerWhen it comes to plants, I have a total black thumb. Okay, maybe it’s more greyish than pitch black, but still. Any plant that isn’t a succulent or a spider plant has a very short life expectancy in my household.

That’s why I’m excited about these adorable little air plants. They’re super easy to take care of, and can be kept in almost any type of container.

You can see what I mean by looking at the selection available at Tortoise Loves Donkey. Housed in simple glass containers ranging from itty bitty terrariums to geek-chic beakers, these air plants are perfect for livening up spaces of any size.

Perhaps they’ll help me change my thumb to more of a greyish-green color…yeah, no. Gross.

Glass Jar Terrarium

Glass Jar TerrariumWinter blues are starting to set in, and the snow just keeps on coming!!  My solution for seasonal depression is to craft and just pretend it’s already spring.  I need some green in my life, so since I’ve been obsessed with terrariums for awhile, and have an overload of mason jars from the holidays and canning…. I present to you, Jenny Ryan’s tutorial to make your own tiny terrarium in a jar!

If you make one of these, please let me know.  I’ll be posting mine as soon as I finish collecting supplies!  And better yet, have more ideas for my overflow of various sized mason jars?  Send me ideas for those too :)

Glass Jar Terrarium

[via Craft:]