Wibbly Wobbly, Dangley Earrings

Wibbly Wobbly, Dangley Earrings

Definitely dangling and definitely Rose Tyler’s earrings from the Season two episode named “Idiot Lantern”. Julie, aka oboe_wan on LiveJournal, is back and this time, she’s recreated the earrings that Rose Tyler wears in that episode. Not only does she offer the tutorial, for it, but she has created them in two different sizes, allowing the wearer to select the size that they’re more comfortable wearing.

A ‘Rose’ by any other name would love wearing these whether for cosplay or everyday. Thanks, Julie.

When It Just Needs to be a Little More Sonic

When It Just Needs to be a Little More SonicWhen It Just Needs to be a Little More Sonic









Or perhaps for those hard tor each places, these miniature sonic screwdrivers are perfect. They’re easy to keep track of as   you can wear them as earrings, charms on a necklace or bracelet, or even make a few to use as stitch markers. Julie, known as oboe_wan on LiveJournal, has made the Ninth and Tenth Doctors but does suggest that the Eleventh’s can be made using a bead with the appearance of a claw for the end. She has kindly provided a tutorial for those interested in making a few of their own.

Twas Knitting Before Christmas

Twas Knitting Before Christmas

Twas knitting before Christmas, when all through the castle
Not a creature was stirring, not even a thestral.
The stockings were hung in the Great Hall with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The professors were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of butterbeers danced in their heads.
And Dumbledore dreaming of knitted socks,
And Hagrid of having cakes as hard as a rock.

When out on the staircase there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Past Filch and Mrs Norris who ran mad as hatters
To find that Professor Staarkatt had yarn and a pattern.

Fresh off the needles in various colors
Each pair just what the head of houses would order.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But miniature house scarfs to hang from your ears!

Burgundy and gold or green and silver
Other house color combinations so familiar
All it takes is needles in size zero
And a bit of perle cotton for your rows

“Now Hufflepuff! now, Gryffindor! Ravenclaw and Slytherin!
A wonderful way to finish your Hogwarts gift giving!
To the top of the towers! to the ends of the hall!
Now knit a pair! Knit two pair! Knit them for all!

As she posted the pattern, Professor Staarkatt did shout
“Make sure there’s a pair for McGonagall and Sprout!”
But I heard her exclaim, ‘ere she apparated out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all and just knit through the night!”

Bottled Babel Fish

Today I would like to share with you the skills of a talented lady, Lydia Niziblian.

Here in her Shottlebop Store, among the many spectacular creations, she pays tribute to the delightfully geeky Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by bottling the Babel fish to provide us with “Instant Universal Translation”

It is available as a rocking necklace or as a awesome pair of earrings.

As well as making delightful bottled concoctions she also works with silver and gold to create unique handmade jewellery.

Cute Mini Cthulhu Earrings

Cute Mini Cthulhu EarringsPh’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.”

“In his house at Ryleh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.”

Now, thanks to these cute Cthulhu earrings, you don’t have to be a dead elder god to show your love of Cthulhu.  Etsian DelightfulMagic makes all kinds of cute jewelry out of polymer clay, but these earrings drew me in right away.  Rarely have I seen Cthulhu looking so cute.

Check out the Earrings!

Visit DelightfulMagic on Etsy!

More Cthulhu on Geekcrafts!

Totoro Mushroom Earrings

Totoro Mushroom EarringsHow better to wrap up Totoro week here on Geekcrafts than with these adorable Totoro Mushroom Earrings.  Now you can wear your Totoro pride everywhere you go, and every week can be Totoro week.

Mulanjade from Etsy hand crafts these cute little earrings from polymer clay, and you have to admit that they are fantastic.

Check out the earrings!

Visit mulanjade on Etsy!

Totoro week is over, but it isn’t over in our hearts.  Check out more awesome Totoro stuff on Geekcrafts!