Tron Inspired Cross Stitch Pattern

Tron Inspired Cross Stitch Pattern

It’s a big weekend for nerds with the movie Tron: Legacy opening in many countries around the world. Bombastitch sells lots of geeky cross stitch pieces and patterns in her Etsy shop including this most excellent Tron inspired pattern. The quote from the Master Control Program to Dillinger is sold as a PDF pattern and looks pretty easy to complete. Well, there’s a 68.71 percent chance that I’m right about that.

Sci-Fine Art, Humor and Time Machines with Rik Livingston

There aren’t a lot of nice things about living in the desert, at least not until Fall/Winter time, but one nice thing about living here is the amazing Crossroads Cafe and Tavern, where I was having breakfast when the painting to the left caught my eye. I took in the various pieces by the artist I would later discover was the one Rik Verlin Livingston, and I knew I had to track him down and introduce my Geek Crafters to his “Sci-Fine Art“.

We communicated in e-mails a few times before I met Rik at an artist reception held at the Joshua Tree Chamber of Commerce, which featured more of his work, to include some really great comic books. He was friendly, funny, and seemed to handle the attention (and the controversy surrounding one of his pieces) very well. I was really excited to be able to ask a few questions about his craft, his feelings on censorship, and of course, time travel.

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Doctor Who Blink Steampunk Necklace


JezebelCharms has an a amzing selection of the most beautiful sci fi inspired jewelry I have ever seen on display at her etsy shop! Just take a look at this Doctor Who Blink Steampunk Necklace, most Doctor Who charms are pretty obvious, but I don’t thinkI would blink (pardon the pun) if I saw this pretty piece on some one in office attire.