Pearler Peashooter

I have spent many hours playing Plants vs. Zombies so I have to suppress the urge to obtain lots of these little pearler peashooters to set up rows of them in my living room. Etsy user 8bitclassics (also littlemissysg on DeviantArt) made this little guy from their own fan art design pattern based on the Pop Cap game, and they have the Sunflower you are sure to need as well. Check out their shop for all sorts of pearler goodness, etched glasses, and some especially cute felted figures.

I think I can hold off only until spring. Then the snow will be gone and my garden gnome will be ready for his new army to defend against any zombie invasion!

Shaun of the Dead Cross Stitch

Awesome stitcher stitchFIGHT made this Shaun of the Dead cross stitch for the Embroidery Hoopla 2 swap over at Craftster. Her partner Javede is one lucky lady.

It’s absolutely perfect. The hands look amazing! It’s done on painted 18-count white aida, which is a fantastic idea. I may try that the next time I want to do a cross stitch on black (so I can see what I’m doing).

Geeky Pumpkins

I’m sure I’ll be posting a lot more geeky pumpkins in the next week, but here’s four I found today on Craftster:

Mario and Luigi Pumpkin

Mario and Luigi from Super Mario Brothers by Balatong

Ralph Wiggum Pumpkin

Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons by craftADDchick

Sailor Moon Pumpkin

Sailor Moon by llia

Zombie Kids Pumpkin

Zombie Kids by Germanica’s husband

Obama Versus Zombie

I saw this shirt and said “whaaaaaaaat?” but in a good way! President Obama‘s approval ratings may not be sky high right now, but he sure can kick some zombie butt, and we all want a POTUS who can lead the country through a zombie apocolypse! Chris Piers is responsible for this awesome Obama Versus Zombie illustration that you can find on tee shirts and more at Tinaseamonster‘s etsy store.