Settle in for a Catan Party & Game Night

Catan party cupcakes by Jessica at Shower of Roses

Now that you’ve made your own Settlers of Catan game board set, it’s time to snuggle in with your Catan afghan and plan a Settlers of Catan party!

Fortunately, Jessica at Shower of Roses has done pretty much all the prep work for you, complete with a printable banner and food labels, and resource-inspired menu (see the Cupcakes of Catan above). All that’s left to add is a night of gaming fun!

Do you host themed gaming nights at your homestead? What fun elements wow’d your guests? Share your party prowess with the geek-crafting community below!

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Find Your Path to This Goblin Amigurumi

crochet Pathfinder goblin by Amanda Mickelson

My son has played a wide variety of games over the years, but one that keeps showing up on his birthday and Christmas wishlists is Pathfinder. He almost always has some miniatures or modules he’s been eyeing. I may just have to surprise him with one of these Pathfinder goblin amigurumi.

Amanda at Xanthestar Customs has come up with a clever crochet doll version that can be cute, or add angry eyebrows and wide felt chompers for a more creepy, menacing look (as depicted above).

Are you a tabletop RPG’er? What character would you recreate in craft form? Let us know in the comments!

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Trekkie Oven Mitt Tutorial

Star Trek Oven Mitts by Sew Can Do

Planning on serving up some stewed gagh or steamed Raktajino? Then you’ll want to have some Star Trek oven mitts on hand. Fortunately, Cheryl at Sew Can Do has put together a tutorial to help you out.

These fully insulated mitts have easy slip-on hand pockets and feature some of the fun Star Trek prints now available, though you could customize with any number of geeky fabrics. Two-1/2 yards of cotton fabric, 1/4 yard Insul-Bright, and 1/4 yard Cotton batting, plus basic sewing tools are all you need to outfit your kitchen in Star Trek/geek style.

How would you deck out your kitchen? Star Trek, or another fandom? Share your fav in the comments below!

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Become Master of Catan with This DIY Game Set

Settlers of Catan board by Aaron Day

Got some wood resources? Make your own Settlers of Catan board, using a single 2×4 block of wood!

Inspired by Summer Woodworking’s annual 2×4 challenge to make something out of a 8? framing 2×4, Aaron Day set out to recreate one of his favorite games from college, Settlers of Catan. The project entailed a massive amount of work and know-how, which he highlights in a video on his site.

I was impressed with his attention to detail and perseverance, right down to creating the playing cards out of wood shavings. I also loved that his kids made appearances in the video – yay for involving kids in geekcrafting adventures!

Via ManMadeDIY.

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Step into the Future (or Past) with Doctor Who Stepping Stones

DIY Doctor Who Stepping Stones by Our Nerd Home

When traveling through all of time and space, it helps to have a path. Pave the way with these DIY Doctor Who Stepping Stones, thanks to Our Nerd Home.

One of many geektastic tutorials on their site, the Stepping Stones how-t0 (ahem) steps you through the whole process from pro tips for mixing up the Quikrete, to the Gallifreyan translator app they used.

For their project, they of course chose to spell out, “Our” “Nerd” “Home” + “Geek,” but with a translator, you could make your stones spell out whatever you like. What would you spell with your stones? Share with us in a comment below!

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DIY RPG Dice Earrings

dice earrings by Amy Ratcliffe

Roll 20 for charisma with these role-playing game dice earrings designed by Amy Ratcliffe – she’s written up a quick 5-step tutorial that make you the hit of your next campaign!

It would also be easy enough to adapt the tutorial to make a keychain, should you (or your gift recipient) not be the earring-wearing type.

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