Captain Planet Rings

Remember those awesome Kingdom Hearts necklaces I posted a few months ago?


Jewelry by Aimee just released her newest addition to a geeks attire… Captain Planet/Planeteer rings. Handmade and perfect for those wanting to help Captain Planet and the other Planeteers fight to keep the earth clean.

“I Love You!” “I Know”

It’s that time again.
Valentine’s Day.

For those geeks who aren’t into the mushy gushy cards for your loved ones. Check out The Wallaroo Prints on Etsy for some excellent geeky Valentine’s Day cards.

With customizable QR codes in a lot of their cards, you can send special secret messages to that special someone. They have something for each geek. Is your signifigant other a Star Wars fan? Check out the Leia & Han card. Or maybe, Robots are their thing. Personally, I really like the “I Less than Three You A Lot”  the most.

A purse that is “Bigger on the Inside”

Forever ago, I ran across a picture of a Tardis Purse. I kind of fell in love with it, but couldn’t find a place that sold them.

A few weeks after finding the purse, I figured it couldn’t be THAT hard to make so I decided to make it myself. Of course I underestimated the difficulty, but it turned out fairly well, I had missed a couple of things that I really wanted to incorporate in it.

On New Year’s Weekend, I tried again. This time I tried a few different things, including a new pattern (that I had to alter so that it was a bit smaller than the original). When I came across a black cotton fabric with swirls, I knew it would work perfectly with my TARDIS blue fabric. I was very happy that this time I was able to have a thicker shoulder strap and many more pockets.

All in all I’m pretty proud of it. It measures 10″x10″x3″ and has 7 pockets, two on the inside with the black swirling fabric, three on the main outside one of which is the “Pull Here” sign on the actual TARDIS, and two pockets that are the windows on the flap. The only thing I’m missing is the “Police Public Call Box” at the top. On the inside of the flap I hand-stitched the phrase “It’s bigger on the inside”, which is exactly what every girl needs.

A purse that is bigger on the inside.

The One True Seeker

Having recently started re-watching the series “Legend of the Seeker” and putting the first book, of the book series the show was based on, on hold for me at the library, I thought I’d try and find some craftiness that had been inspired by this series.

RuthNoreDesigns has made these beautiful necklaces that resemble the one worn by our favorite Seeker, Richard Cypher. Along with the amazing bone like pendant, she also makes completely gorgeous replicas of the Night Wisp necklaces.

Whether you’re a fan of the “Sword of Truth” series by Terry Goodkind or just a fan of the tv show “Legend of the Seeker” these necklaces are a beautiful way to show off your love for either series.

Yoshi Egg Plushie

Happy New Year Geek Crafters!

Since first picking up Super Mario World, I’ve always wanted a Yoshi. After years and years of waiting, I found an Etsy shop that sells Yoshi eggs.

Granted, they’re PLUSH Yoshi eggs, but still. They’re pretty adorable.

Etsy shop Get Your Game On not only sells already made plush Yoshi eggs, but DIY kits for said eggs. She also sells plush Invincible Stars and various Hello Kitty plushies.

Chevron Seven Locked!

Stargate SG-1 was one of the first geeky tv shows I ever became addicted to. That being said, I often find myself searching for cool crafty things that will help me show my love of this amazing exploration team. However, Stargate merchandise is fairly expensive, and crafts that have Stargate ties are few and far between.

So to help you on your journey to Stargate fandom-ness, here are a few things I’ve found that help show off our favorite wormhole jumping teams.


1: Stargate Themed Refrigerator Magnets
So that every time you open your fridge to get your filling of blue jell-o, you can be reminded of this amazing show.


2. Stargate Atlantis Chevron Earrings.
The Atlantis gate has always been my personal favorite gate. So these earrings that show off the Atlantis Chevron are at the top of my Stargate fan must-have list.


3: Jaffa Necklace
A beautiful handmade necklace with the Jaffa symbol


4: Stargate, For a Good Time Dial…
Looking for a way to lure that special geek? Wear this shirt. Achievement Unlocked!


5: Hello SG-1
What’s cuter than a Hello Kitty with a Jaffa symbol on their head? Nothing, I tell you.


6: Replicator Pendant
Be careful with this one, it’s a bit dangerous. Also, it’s kind of awesome.


7: SG-1 bag
This bag makes you easily recognizable to all the other Stargate fans.

8: Stargate Ring.
A great ring to wear when traveling to other planets. It lets the aliens know where your from. Though sometimes, that might be not be a good thing.

With all of this gear, you’re ready for a battle with a Wraith/Ori/Gou’ld…. Or at least ready to have a major Stargate marathon.