Terrible Puns, Artfully Knitted

It is January 17th and I have made zero progress on my new year’s resolutions, I just haven’t got around to it.

I have not re-made the towels that I embroidered badly and wanted to unpick. I have not finished the second cushion from my set, even though it’s almost done and will only take an afternoon. I have not taken my sewing machine to the repair shop despite it’s having been kerput for nearly 2 months. I have not even started the hat I promised my boy, even though the supplies are stashed under my bed (and have been for a year)…

I just haven’t got a round to it.

Fohttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=306450999399419&set=a.254079531303233.70053.248032208574632&type=1&theaterrtunately for me,  Ayliza, a knitter I follow on Facebook, has exactly the same problem, and she created this Round Tuit so she can get on with stuff. She’s planning to stock them in her Etsy store so that we can all get a round tuit, stop waiting or procrastinating and get on; To Do Lists at the ready, let’s (finally) tick some stuff off.

Ayliza on facebook

Ayliza’s Etsy Store


Ceramic E.T. Planter

E.T. ceramic planterWe know E.T.’s alien chums were interstellar botanists, and that the little cutie can revive dead plants… now that’s the kind of garden assistance I need.

This ceramic ET planter was made from a vintage mould by Terra Bella Pottery on Etsy, and is (clearly) adorable. The detail in the casting is really crisp, and the glaze brings out his expression perfectly.  I love the idea of giving him all sorts of different flowery hair-dos…

Admittedly, January isn’t a great time for gardening (at least not here in the UK), but you could always use him to display cut flowers, or grow house-plants, before moving him outside in the spring.

ET Planter

Terra Bella Pottey on Etsy


Chewing Your Ear Off

Chewing Your Ear OffMaybe your boss is a real nag; maybe you like it when your other half nibbles on your earlobe, but I absolutely guarantee that neither of them have anything on these Piranha Plant earrings – they’ll really bite your ear off.

The carnivorous baddie has gotta be one of the most recognisable gamer-geek icons, having been in use since Super Mario Bros first hit the shops in 1985, so the earrings have a cool retro sort of vibe, announcing to the world your NES roots.

I’m always impressed by anyone who can sculpt, especially on such a teeny tiny scale, and these little monsters are so well made that you’d never guess they were hand crafted from polymer clay.

Creator Liz is obviously a real Nintendo gal, her Etsy shop LizGlizz is packed with Mario, Pokémon & Zelda paraphernalia and well worth checking out. Her shop is pretty low on stock at the moment, following the Christmas rush, but she’s crafting as I type, so I suggest you get bookmarking to be first in line once they’re back in store.

Youch! Piranha Plant Earrings

LizGlizz Etsy Store

Nood the Noob

Nood the NoobDoes everyone hate writing introductions for themselves? I’m considering doing the whole thing in third person and instructing you to read it in a TV-announcer voice… but it just wouldn’t be the same without a spangly curtain to hide behind. Ug, ok, here we go…

Hi, I’m Noodle. No relation to The FSM; it’s a nickname I picked up working in New York one summer, during another excruciating introductory event. We were going around the circle, telling everyone ”what we want to get out of working together;” the platitudes were getting more vomit-us by the minute. The girl directly before me explained that she wanted to (I quote) ”Learn a new recipe for soup, so as to combine the best bits from all of us into one nourishing whole.” I, completely inexplicably came out with ”And I want to be the noodles in your soup, absorbing all the goodness.” And thus The Noods was born.

I’m still not sure if they realised I was joking.

Continue reading Nood the Noob