Ten Great “Tux” the Linux Penguin Crafts

What geek doesn’t at least respect Linux? And even if you aren’t a fan of the OS, who doesn’t love Tux the Linux Penguin? I know I do! So here are ten of the coolest Tux projects I could find on the world wide web.

3D Tux Cake

For those of you with a sweet tooth, Joseph Hall posted this amazing 3-D Tux cake on his blog that he baked in his own apartment kitchen! He even includes step by step instructions and a list of things you will need if you decide to tackle this adorable and tasty project.


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Blade Runner Origami Unicorn

Eric at Geekadelphia posted this Blade Runner origami unicorn with a link to a short how-to on recreating Gaff’s final calling card in the Blade Runner Movie. So if you think your buddy may be an android, or if you just like the movie, this is a quick crafty project that only requires a peice of foil paper and a little time!

Painted Dalek Shoes










Kelly_Bear posted this great at home Dalek-Shoe project on craftster.org. I suppose she felt that slip-on Vans just weren’t awesome enough, so she added her own Doomsday theme to these. On the heels they both say “EXTERMINATE!”. If you want some awesome Doctor Who shoes of your own, and just aren’t keen on Daleks, I say go for a TARDIS, I would think they are easier to paint anyway!

Knit Marvin from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy!

Marvin the Android

Katy Marcus at Cut Out + Keep posted this great Marvin the Paranoid Android knitting project. He’s depressed, paranoid and completely adorable, perfect handmade gift for the Hitchhiker’s Guide fan in your life, or to knit for yourself and snuggle. You know, to cheer him up.