Roll for DIY with This Gaming Tabletop

Gaming Tabletop by KristyGD

From video to card to board, we have several gaming favorites at our house. Of the card and board variety, my kids enjoy Magic the Gathering, Munchkin and Settlers of Catan. Which makes me think this DIY gaming tabletop might be a big hit.

Kristy GD at Please Excuse My Craftermath has created a DIY gaming tabletop that is actually an IKEA hack project, sits atop her existing dining room table, and stores away as a decorative accent between gaming sessions. Talk about multi-purpose! Her blog post walks you through her process for creating the functional and portable tabletop.

With which games would you use this tabletop at your house?

Links of Interest:

Guess Who: Doctor Who Edition

Doctor Who Guess Who game by Karen Kavett

If you’re jonesing for the next Doctor Who season to start like we are at my house, you’ll want to check out this cool project by Karen Kavett – she repurposed a 1980s Guess Who board game into a custom Doctor Who version. How fun would it be to have this at a premiere watch party??

Karen paid significant attention to detail, painting the plastic trays a TARDIS blue, and the scoring pegs like mini sonic screwdrivers. She created (rebooted) Doctor Who images to replace the original people cards, including the 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctor, his Companions, and other important characters (DON’T BLINK when you flip up that Weeping Angel card!). She graciously provided PDFs of her images, to make it easier for the rest of us Whovians.

Not satisfied to stop with the Doctor, Karen also repurposed a Clue game as a Hunger Games version!

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Kitchen Overlord – Carbs Against Humanity

I don’t know if you’ve had the chance to play Cards Against Humanity, but you need to. You can buy it online and avoid human contact all together. You do need actual friends to play and it’s an amazing way to learn terrible things about them.

With what started as a Kickstarter for a cookbook (that was funded in only 5 days!), they have added the bonus joy of Carbs Against Humanity.



The free download has everything from The Only Thing Nikola Tesla Loved More Than Pigeons to Chris Hardwick’s Alternate Universe Evil Goatee to the Inconceivable! wonder of the Spanish Rice Inquisition.”

Food + Nerdy=Amazing. I can’t wait to print these out and give them a go. You should too and then report back with your most hilarious hand.

Magic the Gathering Craft: Crochet Blocks and Dice Bag

Magic The Gathering Mountain Mana Crochet Potholder by Ann Pierson D'Angelo

My daughter is big into playing Magic: The Gathering, so I was pleased to find a series of posts by Ann at WonderStrange where she translated the mana symbols into crochet charts. On her blog, she posted charts for Mountain/Red, Swamp/Black, Island/Blue, Plains/White, and Forest/Green.

What’s cool is that since she provided the charts, you can adapt the project to whatever suits you – you could make individual potholders, placemats, or coasters, or link blocks together to make a scarf. Ann also provided a tutorial for stitching two together to make a cool Magic: the Gathering dice bag.

What’s another way you could adapt the charts?

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Super-size Your D20

Giant Metallic D20

For Valentine’s Day, some people dream of getting a sparkly, shiny something. Here’s a geeky version – a giant metallic d20 (20-sided die, for the role-playing game un-initiated).

Kat and Cam at Our Nerd Home have rolled up a quick tutorial for you on how to make your own d20 using a piece of ~20″x20″ cardboard (I love how they used cardboard from a Lord of the Rings set of Legos they just happened to have laying around!)

My son’s 20th birthday is this week, so this could be just about the perfect present for me to make for him.

In the post, Kat/Cam mention that they left the numbers off the die to make it a more subtle decor item. If you make this, will you add numbers, or no?

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