Baby Geekery

In celebration of my sister having her first baby, I have collected some of my favourite geek crafts for babies.


There are some amazing baby crafts available on Etsy. Some of these are super cute! There are hundreds of things there that I love, but these are just a few of my favourites.

hp keys

How about some Harry Potter inspired keys flying around the ceiling, you just have to catch the right one!!

muggle born onesie

And what do you think of this onesie I made for my new baby niece? I can’t wait to educate her in geekery as she grows up!

American McGee’s Alice Etsy Treasury

American McGees Alice treasury

Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favourite books and films, and American McGee’s Alice Madness Returns is one of my favourite games. It is beautifully twisted and the artwork is gorgeous. The story takes the originally premise and continues it from a completely different point of view. Here are some of my favourite etsy crafts based on the game.

6 1/2 Years for a Super Mario Blanket


This gorgeous crocheted Super Mario blanket is featured in an album on Imgur. Unfortunately, there’s no other information on it, other than it took 6 1/2 years (or 800 hours) to create.

However, as a nerdy crocheter myself (currently working on a red fox scoodie right now), this is what I can tell you about the blanket:
–This was all done in single crochet, which after about 800 hours of work, your dominant hand and elbow are going to be KILLING you. But it is the most basic stitch and with a design like this, it gives the best definition to the design.
–The design was probably a grid based design, just because of all the color changes in it.
–There’s probably, at least, 10 different colors of yarn, and this looks like they are all acrylic worsted weight yarn. This is usually the cheapest yarn out there but it’s also the best to use because it holds up so well with use and washing.

So, kudos to you, nerdy crocheter, wherever you are!

Lego Marvel Galactus Figure


This Lego Marvel Galactus minifig actually started out in life as the Lego Monster Fighters Mummy Clock, and it stood just over 9″ tall. The poster did some serious deconstruction to the clock to get it ready for sanding and painting. The horns on Galactus’ helmet were created from clear Plexiglas. Most of the detail pieces are 2mm craft foam; the others are dowel rod.

The poster was able to order decals online for the body details, but within the Imgur post, he/she posted the decals they designed, to scale, in case anyone wants to use them.