Geek Onsies

Creator Rossie says:

“Iron-on transfer paper exists because I *heart* Daleks.  And so should my baby, darn it.  Though if it turns out to be a boy that bow could get awkward.”

I know exactly what she means! I’ve recently made my peace with iron-on transfer paper. I always thought it looked really bad and anything with the words ‘iron on’ always seemed like a cop out, but crafters like Rossie are rapidly changing my mind. I can see myself making a batch of onesies and bibs this way. I love embroidery, but it just takes so LONG!

Follow the link and you’ll also find a “World of Warcraft – level one human” onesie and “I may be a noob but I just pwned my nappy” onesie

Just so cute.

What do you think, inkjet transfer paper, yay or nay?

Amigurumi Discworld

Great A’Tuin the turtle comes, swimming slowly through the interstellar gulf…

I know the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett has dedicated fans (there’s some overlap with fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy–which is how I heard about Discworld) and this amigurumi proves it! I haven’t read the series (yet. The Colour of Magic is on my bookcase), but this makes me want to even more. PlanetJune decided to make this epic Discworld after making a sea turtle: “I spent hours studying, sketching, simplifying and photoshopping the Discworld Mapp so I could recreate it in cotton yarn”. I’m so glad she did! AND she has the approval of Mr.Sir Prachett himself!

Shut up, Wesley!

Wil Wheaton was my first crush. I guess that’s not really accurate: Wesley Crusher was my first crush; I had no idea who played him. I watched Star Trek: The Next Generation with my dad from the very beginning. Then suddenly there was this kid who was brilliant and pretty cute, and I got to see him every week. *Sigh* I was young and didn’t know how much everyone hated him. Fast forward 20 years and just about everyone knows who Wil Wheaton is, thanks to The Big Bang Theory, but only the TNG fans know “Shut up, Wesley!”

Cassey made this awesome cross stitch for her husband and posted it on her flickr. It’s her third time doing cross stitch and it looks way better than my third cross stitch did. Captain Picard really looks angry!

Star Wars Embroidery and FREE Pattern!!

shameless self promoter!?… guilty!

My husband and I are HUGE Star Wars Geeks so I wanted to make something for our home, that I could give him for valentines day….  thus this framed embroidery piece was born!! A Geeky Sweetheart original.

If you don’t recognise the quote, educate yourself.

There are plenty of work-in progress pictures on my facebook page, and I’ve made my pattern available for free download on my blog. All the usual rules apply, don’t rip my work off and sell it on etsy, but do make one for your own home! and please let me know if you use it! I wanna see! The only thing I don’t give you is the bumble-bee, sorry, I drew that freehand.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Mug

stormtrooper mugBe an undercover office geek with this sleek, striking mug featuring Star Wars’ iconic Stormtrooper mask.

Handmade by Etsy’s LennyMud, this mug shows your geek stripes without completely compromising your “professional” alter-ego. (Because you know your boss will ask you to fix the computers if she suspects that you may be remotely nerdy.)

For those of you working in more fun-loving places, LennyMud also has numerous colorful beverage-toting options, from a cheery Wonder Woman to his-and-hers Frankenstein’s monster and bride mugs.

Enterprise Fingerless Mittens

Star Trek and fingerless gloves. It doesn’t get much better than that, especially when the high today is going to be 23 degrees. These were made by Audrey Paquin and published on her Ravelry page (there’s a free pattern). Audrey created the pattern for her sister’s friend (who is also a Star Trek fan).

I love that you can tell what it’s the Enterprise, even if you just see a tiny picture. Sometimes you see knitted items that are supposed to have a picture, but you can’t really tell what it’s a picture of without being told. But this is the Enterprise, no question. I love this color for gloves, because they go with everything. And they look so warm!