Roll for DIY with This Gaming Tabletop

From video to card to board, we have several gaming favorites at our house. Of the card and board variety, my kids enjoy Magic the Gathering, Munchkin and Settlers of Catan. Which makes me think this DIY gaming tabletop might be a big hit. Kristy GD at Please Excuse My Craftermath has created a DIY gaming … Continue reading Roll for DIY with This Gaming Tabletop

Guess Who: Doctor Who Edition

If you’re jonesing for the next Doctor Who season to start like we are at my house, you’ll want to check out this cool project by Karen Kavett – she repurposed a 1980s Guess Who board game into a custom Doctor Who version. How fun would it be to have this at a premiere watch … Continue reading Guess Who: Doctor Who Edition

DIY Ambilight: Because your TV isn’t big enough already

You’d think that a 55-inch, full-HD LCD television with surround sound system connected to an enormous media pc, XBox 360 and a PS3 would be enough for a man who actually mostly plays PC games in a different room and watches TV on his phone on the train trip to work. But you’d be wrong. … Continue reading DIY Ambilight: Because your TV isn’t big enough already