Friday the 13th Necklace

I must hang my head in shame. I — a self-proclaimed horror film geek — have never seen any of the Friday the 13th films. Unless you count Freddy vs. Jason, which I kinda don’t. Doesn’t mean I’m not immune to the bone-chilling effect Mr. Voorhees has. Just looking at his hockey mask scares me…even … Continue reading Friday the 13th Necklace

Jayne Cobb Hat and Scarf

As my first geekcraft-sharing post, I thought I would share one of my own projects, or actually a couple. As a proud Browncoat (fan of Joss Whedon‘s TV series “Firefly“), I of course knit the requisite Jayne Cobb hat – one for my husband, and one for my son. I used Dryope’s Jayne Cobb hat … Continue reading Jayne Cobb Hat and Scarf