Boba Fett Bag – Flickr Thursday

I saw this Boba Fett bag in the Flickr pool and I knew at once it had to be the featured project this week. Boba Fett is the crowd favourite over here at my house.

This wicked bag is hand-painted by the talented catpenfold. It was for sale but it sold and that is sad beyond words.

Check out Catpenfold’s Flickr

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Handmade QR Code Die

Yo dawgs, I heard you liked crafted geekery. So I found you a hand-needle-felted QR code die that, when rolled and then scanned, resolves to between one and six six-sided dice (1d6 to 6d6) being “rolled,” via So you could geek while you geek.

OK, maybe that meme’s played out.

Seriously, though, I can’t begin to express how pleased and impressed this craft makes me! First of all, my forays into needle felting were both unsuccessful and physically painful (I wish I were joking), and, second, just cross-stitching one QR code was sufficiently challenging that I promised myself I’d never do it again. There was some pretty serious time and dedication invested in this craft, which I found on Shannon Henry’s Flickr stream, via, of course, Pinterest. She describes it as a “meta die,” which makes sense, right? I wonder (but not enough to do the math myself) if it has the same distribution as a d36.

Anyway, hats off to one very geeky, very talented lady!