Do the Weave – Space Invaders Style

Mini-eco‘s Kate Lilley (the same gal behind the adorable 8-bit popup cards) has perfected a method of weaving paper into Space Invaders. Which is a bit like spinning straw into gold, except geekier and less lucrative. Still, what a cute decoration for a gift! Who cares what’s inside the box if this is the wrapping?!

Christmas, Geek-Style

Geek Gift Guide Etsy Treasury

We’re deep in Christmas gift-list-making mode at our house, making sure the kids have made their lists, with enough options to divvy up amongst the grandparents, aunts & uncles, and us. Does anyone else have to coordinate all that? It’s enough to make me want to sing a version of “OY to the World”!

Fortunately, if you’re running out of ideas for the geek(s) in your life, Etsy’s got you covered with their Treasuries. Redd takes care of posting great Treasuries here, but for even more ideas, just search for “geek” at Etsy. I promise you will get many more ideas than you have gold-pressed latinum.

Do you have a geeky gift guide Treasury put together? Feel free to link us up in the Comments!

Geek Fabric Tins

My friend Amanda Perl (who I met at my World of Geekcraft signing at Powell’s, when she made a rad comics magnet) gave her husband Steve a super cute set of handmade geek tins for his birthday recently. She picked up tins at SCRAP and covered them with video game prints from Cool Cottons (both stores are here in Portland, come visit us). I love how simple and cool they are. I’ve been holding out on that Pac-Man fabric but I think I need to snap some up!