
It’s a little weird that I’m doing a second Neverending Story post. I mean, if you asked “Do you like The Neverending Story?” of course I would say “Yes,” but it’s not a fandom I’m deeply into, either, if that makes any sense. I’ve never made my own, for instance, felted Falkor. (I encourage you to click through. Irma Hoani, also known as “FairySpit” on Etsy, took many detailed photos of this really lovely piece of felted art. She even has a post about the work in progress!)

But I don’t control what things I find on the internet during any given week, do I? (Shh. Quiet, you.) That’s the coolest thing I’ve seen this week, so that’s what I’m sharing. :)

iPhone Cozy + Rocket Ship + Coraline Mystery Box

I adore this clever needle-felted iPhone cozy made by UrbanCraft – what’s even better is that she’s actually the owner of a pink Motorola flip phone:

She listed the apps on her flickr page, from top left to right:
easy wi-fi, youtube, clock, flickr
wordpress, calendar, stocks, weather
iTurn, french, iLuna, projects
google earth, sketchpad, Obama, calculator
phone, mail, Safari, iPod

I also loved her rocket ship to disguise a thermostat

and her gorgeous Coraline mystery box, including this tiny sweater, for this spring’s swap.

Nicely done on all counts!