Paper-Cut Hellraiser Puzzle Box

 paper cut hellraiser puzzle boxClive Barker’s cult film series Hellraiser gave the horror genre two iconic images: ol’ Pinhead himself (the patron monster of all sewers, perhaps?), and the Lament Configuration puzzle box.

Michigan-based paper crafter Marcey Mercado beautifully captured the intricate designs of the infamous box by cutting gold vellum. It seriously looks like you could reach out and grab it!

This piece is one-of-a-kind, and Marcey has no plans to make another. I can’t say I blame her. Cutting out all those tiny details must have been as torturous as…well, as opening up a puzzle box!

Doctor Who Bingo

Craftster always has the coolest swaps going, and the stuff that comes out of them is amazing. ivoryh1632 made these Bingo Cards for her partner during the Doctor Who round 6 swap, and they’re so cool! There are 12 different cards to choose from, and they have squares like “The Doctor mentions he’s a genius” and “Someone gets slapped”. ivoryh1632 says “I did it up all proper and used a bingo card making website so every card has a random assortment chosen from 80 different phrases, so choose your card wisely.” You could always use jelly babies as space markers. Or if you print them out big enough,  jammy-dodgers.

Cryptid Valentines!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

SpookyPooky at Craftster has given us all a wonderful Valentine’s Day gift: printable Cryptid Valentines! She’s letting everyone use the designs for free too: “It is hard to find unique Valentine cards that nobody else is giving out already!” These are the greatest Valentine’s card ever! You have four choices: the Yeti, Bigfoot, Nessie (my fav), or Cthulhu.

These are SpookyPooky‘s designs, which she has shown off before. She has a yeti contest going on at her blog, which also has a bigger, easier to print version of the valentines.


What a lucky little Time Lord! I wish I would have gotten a TARDIS for my birthday! Mateo’s dad, Brian, made this out of corrugated paper, and his mom, Jennifer posted it on on her blog. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen. The light on top is amazing! Brian is working on plans for this, so everyone can make their own TARDIS. I’m going to make one that’s my size ;)

Pixel Book Covers

Pixel Book CoversThis book cover idea is so simple, yet so awesome, I’m slightly upset I didn’t think of it first!  Way to go Icoeye for beating me to it…  now I wish I had more books of the same size to properly pull this effect off!  (Think of the design potential… Space Invaders, Mario, anything 8bit = crazy pixel fun!)

There is also a PDF link included to make your own bookshelf designs (yay!)

Pixel Book Covers

PDF: book covers

[via Slippery Brick]

‘Inception’ Paper Sculpture

inception_paper_cuttingCheck out this paper sculpture of THE coolest fight scene ever!

ld posted this over at Craftster, with bigger pictures on LiveJournal. Inspired by the hallway scene of Inception, it’s made out of a single piece of card stock, with no adhesives. I absolutely love this, because it’s 1) an amazing piece of art and 2) because this is my favorite scene in the whole movie. When I saw the thumbnail on Craftster, I immediately knew what it was.  ld has even more amazing Inception paper sculptures at LiveJournal, and they are just as cool.