Pipe cleaner Thrall

Wow, did I ever stumble upon a gem. The WoW Insider blog has a feature called World of WarCrafts that features, in their words, “art and creativity by WoW players, including fan art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction”. It is an absolute treasure trove of geek crafts!!

Chris Schultz, b/k/a Toepher, creates a variety of geeky figures out of nothing but pipe cleaner. They’re all amazing, but my eye was capured most intensely by his sculpture of Thrall.

When his work was featured on World of Warcrafts, Toepher talked about the process of building such intircate art: “The process is simple — well, simple to me, but to someone watching me make pipe cleaner characters, it can be kind of dumbfounding…I guess you can say I just have at it.”

If you’re any kind of WoW gamer/crafter at all, you MUST check out his stuff!

Polymer Clay Nerdy Robot

"Polymer Clay Nerdy Robot"I am absolutely smitten with the polymer clay robots that Lisastarchild hand sculpts, especially this fabulous nerd love one! I came across her SleepyRobot13 shop on Etsy and fell in love. Her robot creations are charming and have wide ranging appeal to all sorts of nerds and geeks. She makes everything from a Batman Robot to a Zombie Robot. The Super Hero Robot (with glow-in-the-dark underpants!) and the 3-D Movie Robot are also adorable!

Sci-Fine Art, Humor and Time Machines with Rik Livingston

There aren’t a lot of nice things about living in the desert, at least not until Fall/Winter time, but one nice thing about living here is the amazing Crossroads Cafe and Tavern, where I was having breakfast when the painting to the left caught my eye. I took in the various pieces by the artist I would later discover was the one Rik Verlin Livingston, and I knew I had to track him down and introduce my Geek Crafters to his “Sci-Fine Art“.

We communicated in e-mails a few times before I met Rik at an artist reception held at the Joshua Tree Chamber of Commerce, which featured more of his work, to include some really great comic books. He was friendly, funny, and seemed to handle the attention (and the controversy surrounding one of his pieces) very well. I was really excited to be able to ask a few questions about his craft, his feelings on censorship, and of course, time travel.

Continue reading Sci-Fine Art, Humor and Time Machines with Rik Livingston

Pac-Man Week: “The Secret History of Video Games: Pac Gentleman”

The Secret History of Video Games: Pac GentlemanI think the artists, Doktor A., statement says it all:

“When this game was first released in 1880 it was so hugely popular in taverns and inns that the bank of England was forced to mint more threepenny bits to keep up with demand. The game was created by messrs Nam & Nam and Co. as a novelty pastime for the masses. Outdoing the previous top public house game of Shove Ha’penny. “