Grumpy Cat Shrink Plastic Chandelier Earrings

grumpy cat earrings

Anyone who reads my posts here know that I love Tardar Sauce (aka Grumpy Cat). I Sew Cute, from Ohio, posted a great Craftster tutorial on how to make Grumpy Cat “Skrinky Dink” earrings, and the process is simple enough that the steps can be transferred to making any kind of characters into earrings (I’m thinking some Zachary Quinto Spock earrings might be cool to have!).

And despite working with the oven, this could be a good craft to do with your younger girls, by having them pick their subject and doing the cutting themselves.

Now You Can Be A Wookie Too!


Erin from The Common Room, of Phoenix, AZ, has created the greatest seat belt cover I’ve ever seen! It’s based on Chewbacca’s ammo belt!

Attaching with velcro, this strap not only adds style but comfort! It can also be used on a messenger bag, guitar strap, back pack, or anything else you can think of with a strap!

It amazes me that it’s taken this long, since the first Star Wars movie, for someone to come up with an item like this one. Erin might very well be a genius! I just hope George Lucas doesn’t stop her from making these.

I Love Lamp

ohiodiygirl, from oddly enough, Columbus, OH, posted a lamp she recently made, over at Craftster.


She came across this lamp at a thrift store a few years ago and decided what it needed to be: the Mayor from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” The lamp shade is painted one both sides so you can change his face. The hat is built out of cardboard and covered in fabric.

This could be a super quick project with almost any of the characters from TNBC. I’m thinking a Jack Skellington lamp might be a great housewarming gift for a friend that’s getting ready to move.