Superheroes are for girls, too!

Superheroes are for girls too
Image from

Can I get a “Heck, yeah!”? I found this awesome inspiring Tumblr site that I just had to share: Superheroes are for girls, too.

Its sole purpose is to highlight “pictures of girls dressed as superheroes, playing with superheroes toys, or reading superhero comics”.

I love the idea of encouraging young girls with positive role models of strong female superheroes, and the idea of providing an online forum for giving these girls an “Atta Girl!” for strutting their stuff. I also love how happy the girls are in the pictures, as well as how “tough” they are.

Let’s hear it for girl power! Who are your favorite strong female role models in superhero-land?

Links of Interest:

Steampunk Cereal Box Hat

This is absolutely brilliant! It looks like real wood, doesn’t it? Can you believe mieljolie made this out of cereal boxes? She made this for the “Day of Wrong” at her Renaissance Fair, since she decided to go with a Steampunk theme. She covered the cereal box (the brim is one piece-family sized Frosted Flakes) in paper mache and tissue paper, the painted it. The long scarf was inspired by the TV show Deadwood. mieljolie said if she makes another one, she’ll try to make it open at the hinges. I can’t wait to try something like this myself!

READER SUBMISSION: Love Brick by Brick

Lego ShipIf you love Legos, than there is only one place on the web you need to be. Or…rather, two places, as Love Brick by Brick is both an awesome blog full of tutorials on Lego jewelry and impossibly cool projects like the one pictured, but also a kickin’ Etsy shop where you can stock up on artfully made Lego jewelry.

And I promise I am not using “artfully made” generically, browsing Julia Morley‘s work was a surreal feeling, joining up the geeky child inside and the woman who loves cool, even beautiful jewelry, and reminding me they are both the same person.

Wonder-ful cookies

Wonder Woman cookies

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
All the world’s waiting for you,
and the power you possess.

In your satin tights,
Fighting for your rights
And the old Red, White and Blue.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
Now the world is ready for you,
and the wonders you can do.

Surely such a great role model deserves to be honored in cookie form, right? But who is up to the baking challenge? Bridget at Bakeat350 was. And for us lesser mortals, she has even created a stepped-out tutorial on how to shape the cookies into proper voluptuousness, AND how flood fill each part with just the right frosting.

Be sure to also check out her invisible jet – she nailed it exactly right, don’t you think?

Lego Creations from Folded Fancy

Lego Folded FancyNeed a Star Wars Lego wedding cake topper for your geeky wedding? Or, want to show your sweetie how special they are with a Lego flower bouquet that’ll never wilt?

Well, look no further than Folded Fancy Creations! Each Lego model is made by the talented Mariann Asanuma, the world’s first female freelance Lego artist.

Mariann is one of my crafty heroes, and (full disclosure) one of my high school friends. She worked her way up to Master Model Builder at LEGOLAND California (the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign in Miniland is her handiwork), before striking out on her own. Now, she builds custom models, writes how-to Lego books, and manages Folded Fancy.

If you just want a little touch of Lego in your life, she also makes adorable wee magnets (like these Pac-Man magnets), and geek chic jewelry out of rare Lego tiles.


With that, my friends, my time at Geek Crafts has come to an end. I love writing for this wonderful blog, but, with the upcoming release of my first comic book project, it’s time for me to devote myself completely to my fiction and filmmaking. Yeep! I’m making the big leap. So, I’ll still be in the geek loop, just on the other side of it.

Thank you for reading my posts, and for all the lovely comments. Keep creating, and I’ll catch you on the flip side!

Geekily Yours,