Baby Princess Leia Costume

My friend Meredith alerted me to this super cute Princess Leia baby costume on Craftster, which kibblesandknits made for her daughter’s first Halloween! LOVE it. She says it cost her $3 and took her less than 3 hours to pull off – there’s still time…

GLaDOS cosplay

I mentioned in a recent post that my daughter is very in to Gir these days. She’s also very in to the video game PortalPortal 2 to be specific. If she sees any expanse of flat white wall, she remarks, “that would be a good place for a portal.” Very observant and strategic, my last-born.

So again, in honor of her, I bring you another Halloween costume idea. Via, here’s an interesting manga/anime-esque interpretation of GLaDOS.

Portal GLaDOS cosplay

Per Wikipedia, GLaDOS is “short for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, a fictional artificially intelligent computer system in Valve Software’s Half-Life video game series and the main antagonist in the video games Portal and Portal 2...She is responsible for testing and maintenance in Aperture Science research facility in both video games.” Some call her “a narcissist, passive-aggressive, sinister, and witty. She has been considered one of the greatest video game characters ever created, particularly from 2000 to 2009.” “A number of websites and magazines listed her as one of the greatest video game villains including IGN, which ranked her the all-time greatest.”

Here’s what GLaDOS really looks like in the game, as well as a shot of the voice actress Ellen McLain. (via

Portal GLaDOS and voice actress Ellen McLain


Gearing up for a shiny Halloween with Firefly costumes

Just over 3 weeks until Halloween (at the time of this posting) – do you know what your  (or your kids’) Halloween costume will be?

Browncoats Prom - Firefly-inspired Duct Tape costumes In case you’re still in the “seeking Divine inspiration” phase, let me point you to this very divine Firefly costume set. MADE. WITH. DUCT. TAPE. I saw this post first on, but it looks like the conversation started over on Toledo392 posted there, requesting votes for his entry into Duck Brand’s “Stuck at the Prom” contest. He wrote:

“In this contest, high school students from all over the country create prom outfits using duct tape. Ten finalists are selected from all of the entries, and online voting determines the winner. To demonstrate my devotion to Firefly, I created my duct tape ensemble inspired by Mal’s tux and Kaylee’s dress from Shindig. These outfits made it into the top ten.

I used over 20 rolls of duct tape, and had to overcome laws of physics (all those ruffles are heavy!) as well as wear the outfit in Phoenix summer temperatures exceeding 107 degrees.”

Very impressive, and indeed – very shiny.

Reader Submission: Morse Code “Epic Win” Necklace

Here‘s a submission from Megan “Captain Girl Geek” at the Girl Geek Boutique.

“Gunmetal silver beads (as dots) and silver, gold, and copper striped electronic components (choke coils, as dashes) spell out the phrase “EPIC WIN” in morse code: “. .–. .. -.-. .– .. -.”.”

If your first thought was WEWT!… hey… she’s got the earrings for you!

I’m kind of thinking of this as a princess-and-the-pea kind of deal. A girl geek walks around with this around her neck and the day a suave geeky male points and shouts “EPIC WIN” with a smug smile on his face is the day she’s found a geek worthy of being her Prince Charming…. or something…


Wow, the GeekGirlCon in Seattle looks awesome! It’s October 8 + 9 at the Seattle Center and EMP Project, and open to all geeks – some of the many rad things going on include improv theater, cosplay, gaming rooms, panels galore, and an artists’ alley. I can’t make it this year but I’m keeping an eye on it for a 2012 trek up north… would love to hear all about it if you’re going!

Tutorial Tuesday: Ms. Pac-man Amigurumi

Today’s tutorial comes from Allison Hoffman of

Allison is a crocheting superhero who has designed Amigurumi likenesses of Pee Wee Herman, Wonder Woman, Conan O’Brien and Coraline, which are all available on her Ravelry Store.

Isn’t this just the cutest ball of hungry little yellow you’ve ever seen? Find the pattern here.