Youtube Video – Spraypaint Artists

This is something that I have been into for a while.  There are tons of these videos out there, and it is very difficult to pin down specific artists, but I thought I would share one of my favorite spray paint artist videos with you.  It was uploaded by spacepainter on youtube over 4 years ago, but I watch it every couple of months and I am still amazed.


Let me know what you think in the comments section.  This is not a new phenomenon by any means, but it is something that is pretty much always fun to watch.

Dammit, Jim!

Let’s face it: One of the best things about TOS was every time Bones said, “Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a _____.” It happened a lot. The more it happened, the funnier it got. It’d make for one helluva drinking game (I’m sure it already has, in fact). So, naturally, this Trek magnet/button set tickled me. There are bunch of geeky button and/or magnet sets in the hownice Etsy shop, so peruse at will.

Vegetables you will eat!

Being a mother of 2 geeklings is no easy task. Not only do I have to make sure that they are well rounded by watching the required amounts of Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, but I also have to get them to eat their vegetables. Now granted, I don’t have any problems getting them to curl up with me for another round of Harry with popcorn, but getting them to eat a balanced meal can be very challenging!

Jill at Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons has a great solution for all of Geek Moms who face this problem. She helped her kids play with their food and create a lunch sure to tempt any hungry, little padawan.

As much as my kids love Star Wars, I don’t think I’d ever have a problem with them chomping down on a Chewbacca dog, or a Yodalicious salad. They can even play Mash the StormTrooper potatoes. Heck, I think I would have just as much fun as my kids eating this meal!

Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons: May The DINNER COURSE Be With You!.

Dalek Victory!

Dalek Victory

This one is more like a victory over the Daleks with its detail and accuracy. It’s an amazing cross stitch Shae made of the Daleks’ Victory poster from Season 6 of Doctor Who. Not only has she managed to chart and stitch this out, but Shae was kind enough to share the charts for this cross stitched poster here.

Shae is a multitalented crafter who also does machine embroidery and paper piece quilting among others. Her crafting can also be found in her Etsy shop, ShaeWow. You might want to be aware that her items sometimes have adult phrases on them but she has items from various fandoms and in different media.

Desserts, Moustaches, Geekery

The tagline for Betty Turbo’s Etsy shop is: dessert, moustaches & muscles. Naturally, I approve. And that sort of sums up the content of her shop—her prints feature things like cupcakes and Parks & Rec’s furry-lipped Ron Swanson, and a variety of wrestlers. What this description omits, however, is the geekitude. (See, we got to the relevant part eventually.) Because, in addition to the aforementioned desserts, moustaches, and muscles, the shop contains awesomely geeky prints of Dr. Horrible quotes. And a Rupert Giles birthday card. And a Star Trek/Twin Peaks crossover. And the majorly spoiler-y Dammit Joss Whedon print, a visual compendium of major characters who died in Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Dr. Horrible. (Don’t click if you don’t already know!)

Oh, and just because some of us (I’m not saying who) love him so very much, here’s a bonus card featuring everyone’s favorite undead Brit, Spike. I feel like this print would make a good inspirational message to tack up next to your mirror. Yes, Spike, go ahead and call me gorgeous every time I look in the mirror. I could deal with that…. Sorry, fantasy has taken over again.

Star Wars Sarlacc Pit “Show Globe”

Star Wars Sarlacc Pit Show GlobeIn continuing with my current Star Wars obsession, I thought I would introduce you to this awesome Sarlacc Pit Monster “Show Globe” by xneaker on Etsy.  I had never heard of a Show Globe before, but I guess it would be hard to have a Snow Globe on Tatooine.

Now you can impress your friends, or punish your enemies, with a trip to the Great Pit of Carkoon to visit the Sarlacc Pit monster.  All this in the comfort of your very own home.

Check it out on Etsy!

Visit xneaker for more more awesomeness.

More Star Wars on Geekcrafts!