Silk Screened Serenity Tote

“I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.” Hoban ‘Wash’ Washburn

I’m not joking, my husband and I re-watched serenity a couple of days ago, and I had to look away when Wash said this line… I won’t tell you why… if you know you’ll know, but I wouldn’t want to spoil it for anyone.

PURE GENIUS!! – why did you cancel Firefly Fox?… WHY!!!!!?!??!?!??!??!!

*ahem* For those of you (like me) who have a Firefly shaped hole in your lives, you can plug it with this cute tote, or perhaps a T-shirt or hoodie from geekboypress on Etsy (seriously good value too, the tote and t-shirt are only $10USD each!) oh I really want one…. maybe I can negotiate one for valentines day…

Silkcreen printing is an awesome craft and I really want to get into it myself, but I’ve never been able to find anywhere in the UK that sells the supplies… I guess I’d better use the internet to it’s full potential… any good starter kit suggestions GeekCrafters?

Futurama Hama Coasters

Craftster user zombiecakeses (awesome name, btw) had just moved and thought her new place needed some “geekery”. So she made these amazing Futurama Coasters! They’re made out of Hama beads. The details are amazing; the shading is fantastic! I can’t decide if my favorite is Bender or the Brainslug. Too cute!



Driving through my neighborhood the other day, I saw a really impressive snow sculpture (two horses- seriously cool, and BIG) and it got me thinking about how bad I want to make a snow”man”.   Sooo, despite the fact I just said how sick I am of winter…  I’m hoping for one more good snow day so I can get to work!

A quick Google search leads you to around a billion snowdaleks, so I decided to just feature the best one.  I searched multiple sources, and made my decision…

Congratulations Afraid of Ducks/ Mark Merifield of London, you have the best snowdalek!  Amazing attention to proportion, scale and detail… you win 1000 internets and all bragging rights!!


Star Trek Serenity Prayer Cross Stitch

Star Trek Serenity PrayerWe’ve all had those days. You spill your full latte all over your new shirt. You miss your bus, and you’re late for work. Or maybe a race of cyber-zombies has taken over your planet.

It’s moments like that in which we seek a little inspiration…and this pimpin’ Locutus of Borg Serenity Prayer is there to remind us that indeed, resistance is futile.

This one-of-a-kind, Star Trek-inspired cross stitch was made by Emily and Matt Fitzpatrick, the wife-and-husband team behind Steotch.

Infusing classic New England needlework with pop and hip-hop culture references, Steotch is also responsible for such beauties as Bless This House and a Star Wars inspired version of the Serenity Prayer.

For you cross-stitchers, patterns are now being offered in their Etsy store, so you can make your own snarky Steotch creation.

[Via Great White Snark]


What a lucky little Time Lord! I wish I would have gotten a TARDIS for my birthday! Mateo’s dad, Brian, made this out of corrugated paper, and his mom, Jennifer posted it on on her blog. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen. The light on top is amazing! Brian is working on plans for this, so everyone can make their own TARDIS. I’m going to make one that’s my size ;)