Looking for Writers!

Hello again! I have recently taken over the site (hi!) and I’m trying to get everything lined up to make Geek Crafts better than ever. If you would like to be a writer, send me a mock post at geekcrafts@gmail.com. Even if you’ve sent one before, feel free to send it again so I can get this party started!! There’s no pay for this position, but you do get bragging rights!

What this would mean: I would need you to commit to posting at least once a week, have functional knowledge of WordPress including how to upload media, and proof-reading is the ultimate skill I require you to have.

So what are you waiting for? Hit me with your best shot and you may get to join the Geek Crafts team!!

Stay Awesome,


Dr. Who Craft: Doily of Rassilon

Dr. Who Doily of Rassilon

I have to admit I’m not enough of a Whovian to completely appreciate this project, but I do love the look of this crochet Doily of Rassilon. I think a set of them would be gorgeous framed.

According to Wikipedia:

Rassilon is a fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. In the backstory of the programme, he was the founder of Time Lord society on the planet Gallifrey.

Reading the Wikipedia entry I see that there’s quite a bit to this Rassilon character. I really need to watch more Dr. Who. Do I start at the very beginning with Season 1, or is there a particular season you suggest I start with?

Geekery for while you are crafting

This week I’ve got something a little meta: geeky tools for being crafty. QueInteresante makes crayons but instead of dumb ol’ names like “green” or “electric bannana” these crayons are named after chemicals that will make that color.

My B.S. was in chemistry and my undergrad thesis used color spectroscopy so this got me right in the nostalgia. I’m also old enough to have had the kind of chemistry set that could have actually caused some harm if one were motivated enough.

At any rate, here is hoping there are a few geeky kids or adults out there who agree that these are pretty amazing.

Harry Potter Crochet Sorting Hat

Harry Potter sorting hat

Back in the day, the Warner Brothers site had an interactive game where you could answer a series of questions, and it would sort you into the appropriate Hogwarts’ house. It only took me about four tries to finally get into Gryffindor. :)

Perhaps you will get sorted there more quickly with this crochet Harry Potter-inspired Sorting Hat from Allison Hoffman at CraftyIsCool. I love how she was able to “sort out” the face on the hat – she really is a genius when it comes to crochet!

Be sure to also check out her recently released pattern set for all the Dr. Who’s!