“Friends” Replica Apartment

friends apartment

I love this because it’s not the typical “geek” craft. Sayingwhatyourethinking posted a series of photos over on Imgur, and they are all close-ups of Monica and Rachel’s apartment from “Friends,” minus the bathroom, bedrooms and Monica’s messy closet at the end of the hallway. You can even see the little balcony where the group could watch Ugly Naked Guy across the way.

Unfortunately, for all it’s detail, Sayingwhatyourethinking didn’t mention if it was his project or one that he saw online and just really liked.

A Decepticon In Foam


Jamie, AKA Familyman, posted his lifesize Ravage Decepticon that he made, over at Seibertron.

Jamie builds replica props out of foam anti-fatigue mats. This Ravage is for display and to help Jamie get the templates all correct, so he can build a few more for sale. He’s also built a life size R2 out of foam, Wall-e, proton pack, Flux capacitor, and a Horus headdress from StarGate SG-1. Currently, he’s also working on an Ironman costume, Master Chief costume and K9 from “Doctor Who.” Check out his Facebook page, Foamtastic Props, for more photos of his other projects and to see if there’s anything you need for your own collection.

Geeky Winter Hat Patterns and DIYs


I don’t know about you, but it’s cold where I’m at.  Cold, grey, dead . . . Can you tell I hate winter? To combat my own winter doldrums I love using fun and ridiculous winter hats.  It’s hard not to laugh at a Yeti hat, no? (I bought this one at my local grocery store, but you can find one here.)


There are plenty of great patterns and DIYs for geeky winter hats on the intarwebz, so I’ve rounded up a few to help you with your own winter blues.  The first is this great, free crochet pattern on Ravelry, by SnappyTots, for a Police Box earflap hat. This would be a fantastic gift for the Whovians in your life.


This hat would be perfect for my 2-year-old nephew.  He loves the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as only a two-year-old can, with a deep and abiding wuv.  As much as he loves Turtles, he hates wearing winter gear no matter how cold it gets outside.  This hat, though, he might never take off.  And you could probably find the fleece you need in the scrap/remnant bins at your local fabric store (or in your own stash).  You can find the pattern and instructions, all by PiePopper, here on Instructables.



I’m a huge fan of Sharknado, and I absolutely fell in love with this Shark Attack Hat DIY on Instructables (also by PiePopper). It’s not technically Sharknado inspired, but it’s definitely shark-tastic.


Last, but not least, he is: Yoda! I don’t knit, but this hat pattern with giant Yoda ears makes me want to learn.  The pattern is free on Craftsy, and it’s by Kaira Anne Designs.  The pattern is sized for a child, but she’s got a link (http://aknitica.com/2010/10/01/how-to-knit-a-hat/ ) in her description to a tutorial on how to knit a basic hat, and the tutorial has some tips on sizing.

More Links of Interest

#NerdsCraftItBetter Swap Closing Soon!

Nerds Craft It Better swap logo

A heads up that Rae McIntosh of Rae’s Making It is hosting a “Nerds Craft It Better” swap, with signups ending January 15th. At last report, 161 people are participating, making it quite the geek crafty party!

I’ve seen some of the Instagram posts coming in with the #NerdsCraftItBetter hashtag, and it’s been interesting seeing all the different fandoms. Quite a few of the classics, like Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter, but also some new-to-me book series, so I’m looking forward to seeing the finished projects.

I’m signed up, though I admit to feeling a bit intimidated. Even with all my years of geekery and crafting, this is my first swap! I am looking to challenge myself crafting-wise this year, so I thought this was a good first step.

Have you participated in a craft swap? How did it go for you?

Links of Interest:

These Hand-Painted Shorts Are Obviously The Droids I’m Looking For


Someday, all this cold weather will end and we’ll be blistering in the dog days of summer. This might be the best time to get started on hand painting your own astromech shorts. These R2-D2 shorts were painted by Areyna Schmidt , and her Facebook page shows more of her hand painted clothes and shoes. She’s a third year art studies major at ASU and she works seasonally at Walt Disney World as a character performer.

Make your Bedroom Bigger on the Inside With this TARDIS Fold-Down Bed

murphy bed

The Time Lords of Gallifrey know a thing or two about interior design. Blogger and DIY-er Stubbs from “The Stubby Thumb” wanted to to make her guest bedroom a little bigger on the inside, and since “Murphy beds” were a little too expensive, she decided to make one of her own.

Since Murphy beds are the ultimate space maximizers, it only made sense to build it using Time Lord technology: bigger on the inside! If you’re interested in making something like this, check out the complete blog entry/tutorial that Stubbs compiled over at her blog. Even of you don’t need a Murphy bed, you can use her guidance to turn a door, closet or table top into your very own TARDIS.