Whoa, DUDE! This Rug is Awesome, Man!

dude rug

Okay, so I’m going to either scare or offend some of the regular “Geek Crafts” readers: I have not seen The Big Lebowski. It’s okay, take a couple of deep breaths. I think I can still get us through this post responsibly.

Etsy seller Olde Tyme Notions, of San Francisco, is selling just ONE Dude latch hook rug for $800.

This is Olde Tyme Notion’s own design (taking more than 200 hours to create), and it was made with 19 colors of acrylic yarn, giving The Dude the depth of a photograph. The rug measures 36″ x 30″.

Ken Should Be Afraid… Very Afraid!


PeeWee Parker is a doll maker extraordinaire. Just one look at his Flickr site shows his talent for taking existing dolls and giving them full repaints. Here, PeeWee has taken your run of the mill Barbie doll and turned her into Michonne from “The Walking Dead.”

I wasn’t able to find any information on Peewee online to know more about him, so all we can do is ooooh and ahhhh over his creations.

Wraped Up In A Tentacle or Eight


It’s been quite cold these past few months. Who wouldn’t want something warm to wrap themselves up in? Designer Kraftling has got you covered with their Double Knit Kraken Cowl.

Who wouldn’t want that wrapped around them during the next Polar Vortex, Blizzard, -30 wind chill day?  For those that don’t know double knitting is a simple process by which you create a two sided fabric, reversible fabric as you knit. An easy process that gives you a double thick fabric in the colors of your choice.


Geek-Theme Memo Board

Geek Memo Board

It’s been a while since I shared one of my own projects, so I thought I’d share my most recent geekcraft – a Geek Memo Board.

Using this tutorial for How to Make a French Memo Board, I wrapped an 18×24 canvas with batting and fabric and stapled it to the frame, and added ribbon and buttons. Knowing most of my memorabilia was space-themed, I used this fun fabric from Jo-Ann that had a blue swirly background with little stars.

blue swirl fabric

Once I had the board all assembled (it took maybe an hour), I added my geek fandom references:

I have this memo board on my desk at work where I can gaze upon its geeky loveliness often. What geeky homages do you have at your desk/cube at work or home office?

Calvin and Hobbes Hoops

calvin hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes remains virtually untouched by commercial products, leaving fans and craftsters alike to create their own goodies. I always wondered if Bill Watterson would ever break on that and allow stuffies to be made of his creations, but so far, he hasn’t.

Silentblair from Craftster stitched up a trio of hoops of our favorite boy and his tiger to give away in the recent “Affirmation Swap.”

Grumpy Cat Shrink Plastic Chandelier Earrings

grumpy cat earrings

Anyone who reads my posts here know that I love Tardar Sauce (aka Grumpy Cat). I Sew Cute, from Ohio, posted a great Craftster tutorial on how to make Grumpy Cat “Skrinky Dink” earrings, and the process is simple enough that the steps can be transferred to making any kind of characters into earrings (I’m thinking some Zachary Quinto Spock earrings might be cool to have!).

And despite working with the oven, this could be a good craft to do with your younger girls, by having them pick their subject and doing the cutting themselves.