Comic Book Craft: A Marvel-ous Guitar

Comic Book Guitar by Crafty Geeks

I have seen comic book art applied to a variety of mediums, from shoes to coasters to flasks. And today I bring you a musical medium – a comic book decoupaged guitar from Crafty Geeks. What a cool way to revamp a thrift store (or as the Crafty Geeks termed it, a “boot sale”) find!

What’s something you have upcycled or revamped?

Links of Interest:


Fabric Decoupage Star Trek Shoes

Fabric Decoupaged Star Trek shoes

I recently made myself a pair of awesome Star Trek shoes by decoupaging fabric onto some canvas sneakers. I followed a tutorial that I can’t for the life of me find again, but I’ll see what I can remember. (if you happen to know where the tutorial is, please link us up in the Comments section below!)

What I thought was clever about the tutorial was that you made a pattern for the shoes using duct tape, instead of just cutting pieces of fabric willy-nilly to fit.


  • canvas shoes
  • 1/2 yd fabric
  • duct tape
  • fabric Mod Podge
  • small soft paintbrush
  • scissors and/or X-acto knife
  1. Place a piece of duct tape along the side of the canvas shoe and trim the excess off with sharp pointy scissors or an X-acto knife until you have a master pattern piece. Repeat for other side of the shoe.
  2. Remove the duct tape from the shoe. Place on fabric and cut around the pattern piece.
  3. Brush on fabric Mod Podge to shoe and carefully apply fabric to shoe. Smooth out any wrinkles.
  4. Allow to dry 30 minutes to overnight (follow instructions on bottle)
  5. Apply a coat of Mod Podge over the fabric to seal. Let dry.

I got the fabric at Jo-Ann’s – they have several patterns of both Star Trek and Star Wars fabrics.

Geeky shoe-shindig

Clone Wars shoes

Now this is my kind of party! After seeing a plethora of cool decoupaged shoes online, Amy Ratcliffe decided to host a “Nerd Shoe Craftacular” so she and her friends could try their hand at some of the projects. And pardon me for saying so, but I’d say the results are a SHOE-IN for geektastic delight.

A variety of geekdoms were represented, including Star Wars, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, and comic book heroes, but I think my favorite project is this pair of Clone Wars pumps. Sublime.

Geeky Shoes in progress

Reader Submission: Vintage Iron Man Coasters

Iron Man CoastersI love Iron Man, and I love not having cup rings on my coffee table, so when Holly from Customcomix sent these to us, I couldn’t resist. She and her boyfriend got into decoupaging one of kind, super cool comic book items (jewelry, coffee tables, coasters, you name it!) when they got their first place and decided the only sure way to make it fit them, would be to make the decor from scratch (and old comic books) the end result is an awesome Etsy shop that I can’t wait to blow some money in!