Vintage Video Game Prints from Kyla May

As usual, True Up pointed me to an awesome new fabric line I can’t live without… this time, it’s the vintage video game prints in the Smirk collection by Kyla May. I love this Pac-Man design the most, but she also has a Space Invaders pattern in three colorways!

[via True Up]

Character Aprons

"Character Aprons"Thanks to a friend, I found Bethany Sew-&-Sew‘s blog and her amazing apron creations. collection with a range characters from superheroes to video games icons and Harry Potter. Who doesn’t want to look like one of their favorite characters while cooking a meal? Personally, I’m not big on cooking, but one of these aprons just might inspire me to practice more. Well, probably not, but I would look awfully cute turning on the microwave.

Tron Inspired Cross Stitch Pattern

Tron Inspired Cross Stitch Pattern

It’s a big weekend for nerds with the movie Tron: Legacy opening in many countries around the world. Bombastitch sells lots of geeky cross stitch pieces and patterns in her Etsy shop including this most excellent Tron inspired pattern. The quote from the Master Control Program to Dillinger is sold as a PDF pattern and looks pretty easy to complete. Well, there’s a 68.71 percent chance that I’m right about that.

Star Trek Toddler Costume

Star Trek Costume

Craftster user Rinnial made this Star Fleet uniform for her little girl. I would love to see a whole shipful of toddlers running around in any uniform. She sewed a “…circa 2366-2372 class A uniform (or Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 3-7) with appropriate insignia for a commander…” The insignia is done with fabric paint.