Winter is Coming: You’ll Need Mittens

Specifically the Game of  Throne s House Mitt Kits.  Be you, Stag, Lion, Wolf, Kracken, Flower, or Dragon. There is a mitt kit for you.  These kits sold by The Yarn Cafe  make it so you can knit up your own favorite house to keep the chill away. The kit includes the pattern for the house of your choice and enough yarn to make the gloves in the size of your choice.


And as they don’t have thumbs I think they would do quite well for keeping that spring and fall chill at bay before we whip out the big guns.  So grab your needles and wait for the shipment to arrive and get knitting. Possibly as you watch Season 3.  And perhaps visit the designer Anna Richardson/ One Hand Knits on Ravelry, where she has other patterns, and a few other geeky nods.



Star Wars Pillow and Blanket

Star Wars pillow and blanket

In just a year, I’m going to be finished with college. Soon, I’ll have to decide what to do with the rest of my life! Every time I see a baby in a pram or stroller, I squee with delight, so little geeky addition sounds just lovely. Young children are a great inspiration for crafts. I honestly can’t wait to turn our study into a Nintendo-themed bedroom and start finger-painting Pokémon with the little ones.
Continue reading Star Wars Pillow and Blanket

Knit Your Own Captain America Sweater

A pattern for a Captain America  Knit  hoodie was recently released byethylated-spirits. Look at your hoodie, now back to this one, your hoodie, this one. Don’t you wish this was your hoodie?

Using Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Seamless yolk sweater as a template;  she created this sweater to keep you warm, as you Avenge the world. So what are you waiting for? Snatch up this free pattern and get working.


Are you knitting yet?


The Nerdiest Little Blanket

There are not enough words to describe the sheer volume of nerdyness included in this baby blanket. I went through it and am sure I’m missing references.  I can see Big Bang Theory, The Never Ending Story, Voltron, Hitchhikers Guide, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Battlestar, Firefly, Thundercats, and more more more.


And Ravelry user leilaniac did not stop there. She created charts for all of these squares and more. So knitters get your needles ready. This is a baby blanket every geek can get behind. I’m sure it has a square or two for everyone.

Knit Alien Facehugger

Knit Alien Facehugger

For Christmas I got my husband the Alien Anthology on Blu-Ray, plus “Prometheus“, so we have recently reacquainted ourselves with the classic films. I tell you, there are still some spots in those movies that make me jump! Like when the Alien Facehugger pops out in the sick bay, particularly!

So when I saw this Alien Facehugger knitting project on Craftster, I had a moment of heebie-jeebie. She did a great job on it! And extra points for providing a pattern so others could join in on the creepy-crawly knitting fun.

Who Wants to Knit-Along?

Doctor Who Scarf
Photo credit: Beetastic

Attention Who-vians (and friends and relatives of Who-vians)! As you probably know, a common geeky craft project is to knit the scarf that Tom Baker wore during his time as Dr. Who. We’ve featured several Dr. Who scarf projects here on GeekCrafts: the classic pattern, a beaded version, a minimalist painting, a Doctor Who Inspired Fibonacci Scarf, a pastel version, even a Jayne Cobb take on the Dr. Who colors.

I thought I’d let you know that the Facebook Group Geeks United in Crafts is doing a Dr. Who Scarf Knit-Along to kick off the new year. People are posting their yarn and needle choices, and sharing their progress on this iconic project. It’s been neat to see all the encouragement and support people are posting to the shared progress pics!

Have you attempted the Dr. Who scarf? Share links to your pattern of choice in the Comments!