
I have a confession to make.

I’m a geek. I love most all things sci-fi and fantasy. However, I’ve not understood why or how the whole kawaii movement began to infiltrate my geeky world. What’s with the big eyes and everything all of a sudden has to be teeny tiny? I just shook my head in confusion.

And then…I found yodagurumi!

GAH!!! I must have him! Now, the website is in Spanish which could be an obstacle for some, but I can tell you that she doesn’t admit to whether the patterns are her own creation or if she bought them somewhere. Regardless, I MUST HAVE! LOL

Creepetz has created quite a bit of Kawaii Creatures but if you keep scrolling, you will see the entire Neverland cast, Alice in Wonderland with the Mad Hatter and Cheshire cat, Spiderman, and Darth Vader as well. I read her Spiderman entry and it said that her Spidey is 25 cm (or approximately 9.5 inches). If so, that means that Yodagurumi is most likely about 4-5 inches in height. My aging eyes rebel at the very thought of working with a project that small!

CREEPETZ: amigurumi.

Vegetables you will eat!

Being a mother of 2 geeklings is no easy task. Not only do I have to make sure that they are well rounded by watching the required amounts of Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, but I also have to get them to eat their vegetables. Now granted, I don’t have any problems getting them to curl up with me for another round of Harry with popcorn, but getting them to eat a balanced meal can be very challenging!

Jill at Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons has a great solution for all of Geek Moms who face this problem. She helped her kids play with their food and create a lunch sure to tempt any hungry, little padawan.

As much as my kids love Star Wars, I don’t think I’d ever have a problem with them chomping down on a Chewbacca dog, or a Yodalicious salad. They can even play Mash the StormTrooper potatoes. Heck, I think I would have just as much fun as my kids eating this meal!

Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons: May The DINNER COURSE Be With You!.

Nothing Says “Happy Holidays” Like Yoda!

I was playing around the web this week and came upon a really fantastic origami Yoda. And I thought “I will share this with my Geek Crafts peeps!” But finding the pattern [PDF] was tricky. I eventually succeeded, though you’ll notice the (very few) written directions are in Spanish. The translations are pretty easy to guess, but if you want to be very sure, Google Translate is more than up to the task.

I think he’d look splendid on a Christmas tree (or on/alongside any other holiday accoutrements that might be part of your celebrations)!

This isn’t the end of my story, though. Because I do my internet browsingwork on a shockingly-crashy Mac, and I lost both of the browser windows I had open in order to remember this fun little Yoda. So I tried to retrace my digital steps in, admittedly, a rather lackadaisical way. I ended up finding a totally adorable “baby Yoda” ornament pattern from Etsy seller Woolly Boully, as well as a book about an origami Yoda (or really about life as a sixth grader). I seriously need to learn to crochet, because I need this ornament on my tree! Not want. Need.

Star Wars Terrarium at Powell’s Books for Cooks and Gardeners

Imagine my happiness when I was buying some books at my favorite Powell’s for Cooks and Gardeners (in SE Portland) on Tuesday, and saw this huge, super amazing Yoda-with-a-leashed-dinosaur terrarium in the shop window! Megan Walsh and her Powell’s co-workers made this Star Wars-meets-Land of the Lost world inside a large antiqued glass box with ferns and lots of other plants. It’s beautiful in person and they will even open the hinged doors so you can see the scene more closely!

I also got word that Megan has been working on a Star Trek: TNG terrarium (starring Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of course) and I’m sure hoping to see that one too… stay tuned.

Easy Crafts Wikia Interview with Bonnie Burton

Loved this Easy Crafts Wikia interview Christina Loff did with Star Wars author + blogger extraordinaire Bonnie Burton this month! It’s full of gems like this one:

EC: Which Star Wars character do you think would be the craftiest?

BB: I’d like to think that Yoda knits when he’s alone… I’d love to see the kind of craft projects Yoda would come up with. He probably has a model of the Jedi Academy made completely out of toothpicks.

That I’d like to see!