SSID & WEP Key Cross-stitch Sampler

SSID & WEP Key Cross-stitch SamplerClever and crafty! Craftster user OmegaChicken cross-stitched this SSID & WEP Key sampler:

My housemate got the idea from when friends come over with laptops and mobile devices and always need to connect to her wifi.  It was a hassle looking at the router every time and she doesn’t know how to change the password to something memorable and whenever she wrote it down on something, it’d get lost.  So here it is to be framed and hung on the wall.

Also check out his Etsy shop

for more cross-stitched geekery.

Ikea Hacked Circuit Board Lighting

Ikea Hacked Circuit BoardsAnyone who has ever been to my home knows I can’t live without Ikea. (I just can’t get enough!)

Over at Ikea Hackers, their submitters come up with some pretty awesome ways to modify Ikea furniture.  While mod and hacking are inherently geeky anyways, I would like to bring your attention to these circuit board fixtures by Sara Reller. Love!  Super geeky props to you, Sara.  She made these for $50 (with stuff left over) 3 HEMMA fixtures, and blank circuit boards.   Ikea stuff and a little creativity go a long way!

Floppy Disk Laptop Bag

Floppy Disk Laptop BagWho just got a new MacBook?!  That’s right…. this girl!!!   Naturally, that means it is time to outfit my new toy with decals, and cases, and accessories (oh my!)  So strolling the internets for new things to buy, I found this laptop bag made out of floppy disks.  A-mazing!  Although I don’t know how heavy or bulky it is to carry about, it sure looks really awesome…  Great work Stanislav

Just for the record, the disks in this case total 60.48MB  :)

Floppy Disk Laptop Bag

Laptop on GeekCrafts

[via TechEBlog ]

Pixel Book Covers

Pixel Book CoversThis book cover idea is so simple, yet so awesome, I’m slightly upset I didn’t think of it first!  Way to go Icoeye for beating me to it…  now I wish I had more books of the same size to properly pull this effect off!  (Think of the design potential… Space Invaders, Mario, anything 8bit = crazy pixel fun!)

There is also a PDF link included to make your own bookshelf designs (yay!)

Pixel Book Covers

PDF: book covers

[via Slippery Brick]