Make a Sonic Screwdriver Quilt Block


Have your choice of sonic screwdrivers at your fingertips with this cool (and FREE!) paper piecing pattern from Fandom in Stitches.  You can thank Fandom in Stitches contributor Gretchen Kohlhaas for this great idea.  You can download the pattern here, but keep in mind this one’s geared towards folks who know what they’re doing! Not sure how to do paper piecing? Try checking out the Tutorials page on Fandom in Stitches to get yourself started!

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Upcycled Ant Man Helmet


Mikaela Holmes, a costume and experimental fashion designer and artist, and currently an in-house content creator for the Instructables Design Studio, recently posted her directions for an upcycled Ant Man helmet over at Instructables.

This Ant Man helmet is literally made out of stuff that was lying around her studio, strategically painted, glued and duct taped together. It’s not a very hard project, and you don’t need any fancy tools to make it. And the best part about this helmet is that you’re not required to have specific items to make it. In fact, Mikaela gives alternatives for a variety of different parts. And let me know if anyone can get their hands on some Pym Particles…I’m just asking…for a friend.

Star Trek Beaded Curtain


LovelyMiss recently posted her Star Trek insignia beaded curtain at Craftster. It’s made of 12,267 pony beads strung on 36″ strands of 3mm macrame cord. Each strand is 141 beads, and there are 87 strands. She made the strands about 6″ longer than needed and then just tied them around the dowel. LovelyMiss put a little hot glue in the knots to hold them in place and then trimmed the ends. The cords are on a 36″ dowel and the curtain itself weighs about 10 lbs. She even painted the dowel as well.

LovelyMiss figured it too about 25-30 hours of beading, and then another 8 hours of prep work (measuring the beads and doing necessary math, making patterns, pre-cutting lengths of cord).

She even included her pattern in her post, in case anyone else wants to make one for themselves.

Make Your Own Tiny Great White Shark


I’m a huge Sharknado fan, and with the fourth movie installment approaching, I thought I’d scrounge the internet for fun shark-themed DIYs to share.  I found this adorable, cute Tiny Great White Shark amigirumi pattern on Ravelry. The pattern is designed by Kelly DeSandro, and you can download it for free! The instructions are very detailed and come with some great pictures too.  Can you imagine a whole swirling sharknado of these little guys? Yes, please!

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Make Your Own Cosplay Fox Tail


That cool fox tail is made entirely from . . . . yarn! And all you need is a pet brush, a hair straightener, a pair of scissors, and (of course) yarn.  Just hop on over to Jennifer’s DIY Fox Tail Tutorial on her blog iSaveAtoZ and check out her detailed instructions and pictures. She uses the same technique for a Wolf Tail Tutorial as well. It seems to me this technique could be used for pony tails too!

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This Dad Takes Cosplay to A Whole New World!


I saw this on BuzzFeed and knew I had to share it.  This dad started out in fashion design, but discovered a whole new world in cosplay for his kids (and he and his wife too!).  He started by making a Fairy Godmother costume for his daughter to wear to Disney World, and it seems to have snowballed from there.  My favorite? The Belle peasant gown that transforms into her ballgown right in front of your eyes.  Seriously.

How incredibly cool is that? You may need to watch that a couple times, that transformation is so fast.

Want to see more, just check out @DesignerDaddy on Instagram for more of his creations.

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