Optimus Prime + The TARDIS = Awesome.


I love Transformers. I love Doctor Who.  So, what’s not to love about a 3-D printed, actual working/transforming Tardimus Prime??!! Seriously.  What’s not to love? Inspired by Jason Casteel’s TARDIS Prime artwork, user Ellindsey designed and created this 3-D printed realization, and it actually transforms.  What’s even cooler is you can find Ellindsey’s CAD files and instructions for building your own. Oh, for a 3-D printer.  Even you don’t have one, you should definitely check out the link for the additional pictures.  Transform and roll out!

Make Your Own Zombie Jewelry


Halloween isn’t far off, and if you are still in need of some spooky accessories, this tutorial from the DIY Maven on Curbly has got you covered. The DIY Maven takes you step by step through making your own zombie pin out of polymer clay.  Even if you’re new to polymer clay, you’ll find this tutorial easy to follow with it’s great pictures and clear instructions.

Make Your Own Zombiebot Amigurumi!


I’m not exactly sure what a zombiebot is, but it sure is cute. Check out this free crochet pattern available on CraftFoxes.com, sourced from a super cute book (Crobots: 20 Amigurumi Robots to Make, by Nelly Pailloux).

I like this kind of pattern.  It offers up instructions for you to make the zombiebot as is, or if you’re feeling daring, you can mix things up with different colors, “injuries”, stitches, and embellishments.  Just think, you can crochet your own army of crobots as you plan world domination!

Plus, read the Geek Crafts review of Nelly Pailloux’s Crobots book!

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Join the Zompocalypse by Making Your Own Zombie Plushie!


I just spent the weekend selling my handmade goodies at TopCon, a small pop-culture convention in Topeka, KS. One of the guests, Mike Mundy, was a zombie on The Walking Dead, so there was a lot of zombies hanging around this weekend.  All those undead inspired me to share this great tutorial on making your own zombie plushie on the blog Heidi Boyd.  This tutorial offers more inspiration than actual techniques, but if you’re familiar with basic hand sewing skills, you’ll have no problem making your little Zombie Plushie friend to hunt down brains with.  You could even mix it up a bit and use different colored fleece, felt scraps, and embroidery floss.  The tutorial offers up a great, basic starting point for your imagination to take over.  Be sure to share your adventures in zombie making with us!

Make Your Own String Dolls!


I was hanging out with my best friend and her family, including two very rambunctious boys, and we were at a big toy store when my friend found this really fun looking kit for making string dolls.  But the kit was $20, and we both kinda cringed at the price and put the kit back on the shelf.

However, it got me thinking, somebody out on that world wide web has had to have posted a tutorial on how to make these super cute little guys! A quick Google search, and lo! It seems the most excellent Natalie over at Doodle Crafts has got this DIY covered!

Unlike a lot of tutorials I saw, she uses pipe cleaners and a wooden bead for the string dolls’ bodies.  Other tutorials used heavier gauge wire and bits of styrofoam (or nothing at all for the base of the head).  Natalie also uses regular old white glue to secure the string onto the base form, whereas other tutorials use super glue (or other heavier duty adhesives).  I haven’t tried making one yet, but I certainly plan to.  It seems to me it would be best to experiment with whatever materials you have on hand and see what works best for you when creating your new little string doll best friend!  I would guess that different materials would have different staying powers and durability.

Have you ever made one of these cute little guys? What materials did you use?! How did yours turn out!? Be sure to share in the comments below!

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Make Your Own Monstrously Cute Coin Purse!

Monstrously Cute Coin Purse

As Halloween inches closer, I’ve been on the lookout for cute monster crafts when I found a version of this little guy on Pinterest (you can find the original pin here on my Pinterest board!), but there was no tutorial attached.  So, I made one! You can find the full tutorial on my blog. I hope you all enjoy making this little guy.  Be sure to share your monstrously cute coin purses with us!

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