DIY Handsome Jack papercraft mask

Borderlands 2 has some amazing characters, but the one I loved the most was definitely Handsome Jack.  I was checking out the Borderlands 2 forums recently and came across an old post where user botman made an awesome paper craft Handsome Jack mask.  I scrolled through some of the comments and to my surprise (and delight) he provides instructions later in the thread.

DIY Handsome Jack Mask

I will let his post speak for itself, however he does warn that this is an advanced paper craft and that beginner and intermediate users may have trouble with it.

What are you waiting for?  Visit the thread to download the instructions and you too can rule Pandora.

Somebody’s View Quilt

Somebody's View Quilt

This awesome quilt wall hanging was made by funthreads on craftster. I think it’s fantastic! I love space, and the colours used in this are beautiful! She describes in some detail how she made it, but not being a quilter myself, I don’t really understand, so I can’t comment on how detailed her instructions are! I adore the purple Saturn (or is it just a ringed planet?) and the rocks, and the glittery beads as stars… even the name of it, Somebody’s View, is perfect. Just imagine an alien sitting on a far planet looking at the purple Saturn. I would love to hang this on my wall!

The Nerdiest Little Blanket

There are not enough words to describe the sheer volume of nerdyness included in this baby blanket. I went through it and am sure I’m missing references.  I can see Big Bang Theory, The Never Ending Story, Voltron, Hitchhikers Guide, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Battlestar, Firefly, Thundercats, and more more more.


And Ravelry user leilaniac did not stop there. She created charts for all of these squares and more. So knitters get your needles ready. This is a baby blanket every geek can get behind. I’m sure it has a square or two for everyone.