Creeper Ssssssewing Pattern

Creeper Sewing PatternThere is no more iconic image from the game of Minecraft than the Creeper.  The Creeper is a nasty creature that explodes when it gets near to you, but not before you panic from hearing the distinctive hiss that heralds your destruction.  When I happened upon this Creeper Sewing Pattern by arixystix on Etsy I got shivers.  It is as perfect a replica as you could get in real life, and I have been looking over my shoulder ever since.  If you have some skills with a sewing machine, this little monster could be yours.

501st Cloud City Garrison at the Starlight Parade

I got to see the 501st Cloud City Garrison marching at the Starlight Parade here in Portland the other week, which was really cool! They were definitely a crowd favorite. I spotted a couple of Darth Vaders, a regular Leia, a slave Leia, a Luke Skywalker in flight suit, light sabers galore, and many, many stormtroopers. One of many Cloud City Starlight videos is right here (filmed by GERUNDITE).

Wonder Woman Cake

There is nothing about this Wonder Woman cake I don’t love! The fondant crown is amazing, and the lasso between the layers is perfect. Even the flavors are right up my alley: “the bottom is lemon with raspberry cream cheese frosting and the top is marble vanilla chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting”. RCKFELLA made this gorgeous cake for her friend’s mother’s birthday. And it’s completely from scratch! I think I know what I want for my birthday!

READER SUBMISSION: Amigurumi Bacteriophage

e-coli killer Never heard of a bacteriophage? That makes two of us. Rachael Penzo wants to change all of that! Calling them “the coolest thing in the entire universe”, she explained that bacteriophage is, in fact, a virus that attacks bacteria, e-coli in particular. She made this adorable “Teeto” (T2 is a type of bacteriophage) to pay homage to these little e-coli killers, and sent me several pictures of her Amigurumi Bacteriophage from her photobucket account.

Sadly, Rachael doesn’t have them on a blog, so this picture will have to suffice. He’s a cute little “bug” isn’t he?

EDIT: Ask and ye shall receive! Rachael decided to feature TeeToo here on Craftster, so you can read more about him and see more photos! She also mentions that this little guy will be featured in the Science Museum‘s Stitched Science display in Central London.

Tutorial Tuesday! Rocket Knuckle Duster Ring!

I dunno, there’s something about this Rocket Knuckle Duster Ring that makes me feel all warm and childish. Maybe it’s the cartoon-outlines, the playful shade of red, or just the fact that it’s a goddam ROCKET!! … I just can’t put my finger on it, but I know I LOVE it!

Creator, blogger, and Craftster user made this sculpey creation for a co-worker, and kindly posted a step-by-step-tutorial over on his blog! Thanks Purkey, you rock!

I only ever work in fabric, but this tutorial is so clear and well explained I really think I might try this for myself… who wouldn’t want MASSIVE rocket jewellery?

Achievement Unlocked! Coffee Cup Cozy

Achievement Unlocked!  Coffee Cup CozyIf you are like me, you just can’t live without coffee and video games.  Luckily for us, Etsy seller sewtara has combined both into an awesome coffee cup cozy!  Now your late night gaming sessions won’t be interrupted by annoying things like sleep.  If gaming isn’t your thing, that’s not a problem either because she has lots of other geeky options to prevent embarrassing coffee cup burns on your hands.